Originally Posted by iggy
Okey, kultist. Habe fun exposing why nearly every minority poster on these boards told you to go fuck yourself too.

First of all, that's ridiculous. While almost no one who used to post is still here, those who were black or gay or whatever I got along with for the most part, just like everyone else. Except for the ones who went after me personally, to whom I responded in kind. They sure didn't leave because of me.
I'd say G-man, Pariah and Mr JLA are the posters I've been the most consistently friendly with for 20 years now, we share the same interests and conservative point of view.
Among gay posters. Beardguy was one of my favorites until he left, Captain Sweden, Chant, Lothar, and even Magicjay (who was a dentist from the San Francisco area who talked about getting sex change to a woman at the end before he stopped posting here), and while he was very far Left and we bickered at the start, it got to a point where we had very friendly exchanges despite our polar opposite opinions.
Among black posters here, Bastard was the first person I met online and chatted with regularly on the internet, of any race or ideology, beginning in May-June of 2000, and we were very friendly for many years, until he apparently got overly woke and quit the RKMB boards because I wouldn't embrace Black Lives Matter and/or renounce Trump or something. It was strange.
Rufus T. Firefly was another black post poster here I got along well with for many years.
Knut and I also got along well for many years, but then he seemed to get annoyed with my posts being too serious, in fielding insults and personal attacks from you and Pro. He came here to joke around, not for politics, and left when many he joked with had left the boards.

Over a 21 year period now on RKMBS, I even get along with most liberals, when they're not daily attacking me personally and being really vile about it, as you, Pro, and a few others were. And not just toward me, but also to Pariah, G-man and toward anyone else here who voices a conservative point of view. Many of the above listed posters were liberals, who I enjoyed exchanging posts with.
So that "minority posters all told you to fuck off" narrative is another red herring that doesn't hold up.

I think everyone on RKMB has told everyone else to fuck off here at one time or another. On a few issues, I even saw best buds like The Doctor and Prometheus go at each other on issues like the Trayvon Martin case or Occupy Wall street topic.
In the past when these boards were less ugly, I even came to the defense of leftists like M E M, Whomod and a few others, when the attacks were getting a bit too mean spirited and below the belt, targeting their personal lives, their wives and girlfriends and so forth.

Second, you rely a lot on what other people think. Or to put it another way, you rely on what you perceive as a crowd that supports you to give you false courage to cheer you on. And that huge mob who supported you was pretty much... Prometheus.
That's it.
Whereas I post what I think, and about what interests me, regardless of whether others agree or not. I post for myself, not for others. But for most of the last 21 years, roughly half the people here agree with me on most issues.

Third, like I said before, I apparently butthurt you badly about 12 years ago, and you periodically come here just to rage on me because you never got over it. Like I said, I guess I should be flattered that you find my opinion, on whatever it was 12 or so years ago, hurt your widdle feelings so badly that you still obsess and rage on me over it 12 years later, and ongoing. Every new post of yours just further proves what a petty, mean-spirited malicious, vindictive and profane jerk you are.