Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
What are you guys making of the trial?

I'm obviously enjoying it, but I'm curious about your views. Witch hunt? Unfair? Prejudiced judge? Only a small percentage of his broadcast content?

It's getting surprisingly little coverage here in the U.S., even in conservative news.

Certainly other cases involving Michael Flynn or Roger Stone, for example, prove the case of prejudiced and skewed judges. But the little I've seen of the Jones case, it at least on the surface seems to be a case argued of Jones defaming the Sandy Hook school shooting as staged, drawing hostility toward families who are grieving their murdered children.
I recall when Alex Jones was banned a few years ago, if I recall in 2019, from Youtube and elsewhere in social media. Alex Jones was pretty out there, but when he was banned, that was the beginning of the purge of a lot of other more moderate and mainstream conservative voices on those sites, ahead of the 2020 election. Precisely to kneecap the Republicans' ability to share information ahead of the 2020 election. Project Veritas has multiple videos of Youtube, Facebook and Twitter executives and employees saying that was precisely why they were deleting conservative accounts.

I'm not an Alex Jones guy, but if he is found guilty, let him pay damages to the families and be done with it. The verdict should not be used as leverage to silence Jones from having an audience among the millions (at least at one time) who find his opinion useful. I actually find the Scottish guy and a female reporter I've seen on clips of Jones' show more informative and likeable than Jones himself.
Particularly clips I posted during the 2017 riots in Charlottesvile, VA, that awakened me to the fact that conservatives in Democrat-run cities are deprived of police protection, to intimidate them from protesting or being politically active. I don't agree with white supremacists involved, but regardless, it's a fact that the withdrawal of police set the stage for a clash between white supremacists and the far larger leftist crowd, that caused the death of the girl who was run over. Whatever non-factual or conspiracy-laden material on Alex Jones' program, this is an example where his show gave light to facts that other media sources either ignored or were too afraid to cover, including Fox News.

With Alex Jones' severely diminished media reach after being cancelled from all the major social media sites, he probably gets about 10% of the audience that he previously had.
Similar to Don Imus a decade or so ago.
Interesting how these prominent conservative voices are subject to these media purges, and yet I've never seen even the most rabid liberal/Democrat voices given the same treatment and instant deprivation of their platform and audience. Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, are all under constant barrage from leftist groups, pushing daily to have their programs, or their entire networks, taken off the air, or "de-platformed". The sponsor businesses who advertise on their programs are likewise under daily intimidation and pressure not to continue supporting their programs. In the cases of Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh, only the end of their programs stopped the daily barrage. And ending their programs precisely the goal. MediaMatters threw an office party to celebrate getting Glenn Beck taken off the air.

Rush Limbaugh died. But in the cases of Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly, while they are still around on smaller platforms, their audiences have been greatly diminished. Which, once again, was precisely the Left's goal. And as we've seen across many cases, the Left's activist groups like MediaMatters and MoveOn, have allies in the news media, in the FBI and DOJ, and clearly among judges in the courts as well, collaborating to silence and de-platform not just Alex Jones, but ANY influential conservative thought. And in many cases, the zealous and illegal collaboration between these not-so-neutral institutions have been abundantly exposed. If there were anyone neutral enough to prosecute these leftist conspirators.