Alex Jones is a not inconsequential part of why I removed myself from affiliating with some political groups that were ostensibly "Austrian" in the economic views. He's pretty much the leader of the exact type of people Clinton called "a basket of deplorables." From the 9/11 inside job madness to devil worshipping elites to Sandy Hook being revealed as fake in The Dark Knight and beyond, the dude is an asshole of epic proportions that it more than happy to feed people idiocy and lies wrapped in pseudo-religious confidence of knowing the "real truth." Fuck him. Worst part is that he's proven to be the prototype for a new generation of opportunistic assholes to asshole their way to wealth. I think he's finally getting his due and I hope he ends up destitute on the side of the rode begging for illuminati dollars.

And, yes, you can go back and find where I credit him for breaking the gun walking program, Fast and Furious, that would've been buried without him. It exposed a ill-conceived idea that needed to be investigated and shutdown. But, that's like crediting the Inquirer for outing John Edwards as a scum-bag. It's true, but it shouldn't make all their other outlandish claims more believeable. But, he and others have mainlined a ridiculous amount of sordid innuendo and baseless conspiracy mongering into the body politic in such a way that him losing the shirt off his back will fall far short of fixing.