I've made pretty clear my own opinion of Alex Jones over the last 15 years or so, from the time I became aware he existed. He begins to cite legitimate things that need to be addressed, but then shoots himself in the foot by going way beyond the facts. I think both Alex Jones and others who report for him do frequently make valid points and expose things that need exposed. But as I said above, even his facts lose credibility when he is so often factually outright wrong, or obscures his own point by weaving it into a mountain of wild conspiracy theory.

That said, watch the attorney in the opening 20 minutes of my last link. He says that Alex Jones was not the first person to post conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook school shooting, that it was Facebook and Twitter posters who did so, way before Alex Jones addressed the issue, and that Alex Jones often dismissed the faked Sandy Hook shootings narrative on air.

And that Jones was railroaded in court to be accused and found guilty for things he didn't actually say or do regarding Sandy Hook conspiracy theory. Exculpatory evidence that exonerated Alex Jones was not allowed by the judge in the case, and much incendiary prejudicial insinuation that misled the jury was permitted.
And as was done with Trump, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, George Pappadapoulos, former Senator Ted Stevens and so many other Republicans, this isn't an isolated case, this is the same kind of Kafkaesque treatment the Democrat corrupted system would like to inflict on all Republicans.

Alex Jones is to me a cartoon. His grandstanding and show of emotion in his programs is on a par with a televangelist. It's theatre, mixed with some occasionally valid points.
But is he really guilty of what he was accused of in court?

I think it's the same as when Alex Jones and Infowars were kicked off Youtube and Facebook. He was a way-out-there conservative conspiracy theorist that people weren't going to defend when he was de-platformed. But Jones' de-platforming, when no one defended him, opened the door to [leftist] social media de-platforming and silencing a lot of other far more legitimate and influential conservatives, who should not have been silenced.
Including, alarmingly, a sitting U.S. president on Jan 6 2021, who was similarly de-platformed and cut off from his roughly 74 million political supporters, across 17 social media sites. That's a dangerous precedent.

And as I pointed out before, the way they de-platformed OAN, they want to also de-platform Newsmax and Fox News. Silence all dissenting thought, so they can boldly propagandize an authoritarian one-party narrative with no opposition.

I don't see Alex Jones as representative of any widespread movement among media conservatives. I don't know one conservative who takes him seriously. But I guess they're out there. Regardless, amid the silliness, he has made some valid points over the years, that more credible voices have followed up on. He shouldn't be convicted of things he didn't do, just because he is widely disliked.