Lucky for you, you have a government that (so far) hasn't gone "de-fund the police", and given the criminals and crazies free run of the streets, while simultaneously withdrawing police protection, as is occurring across many cities and states across the U.S.

I've always been pro-2nd Amendment, but have never felt a need to own and carry a gun until recently. I'm still in a relatively safe (Republican, not liberal governed) part of the U.S., but I still am feeling less safe than I did even two years ago. I may soon go for concealed-carry.

I agree with you, and have for 20 years, that I would either concealed-carry a gun at all times, or keep it locked in a safe if not carrying it.

Your point about a shotgun or pistol offering no defense against a tyrannical government or an invading foreign nation makes the point of every U.S. gun owner who wants to own an AR-15 or some other military grade firearms. The second amendment is to insure Americans are safe from any hostile government, including their own. When that arms ownership disappears, the government starts being far less friendly about how that ask you for things, and at some point you inevitably become far less safe.