Originally Posted by iggy
So...I clicked on that Rumble video long enough to find out that your great source for how Jones is getting railroaded is his ::checks notes:: defense attorney for the fucking trial. What the fuck do you think he's going to say, man?!?

He made legal arguments for how the rules of evidence have been abused by the judge, how the judge excluded exculpatory evidence of Alex Jones' innocence, and how the judge allowed prejudicial and irrelevant testimony to be entered.

The only reason the judge is getting away with this is because the defendant is a widely scorned Alex Jones.
But if they get away with it, these unlawful tactics will be repeated on many others. We've already increasingly seen this in trials by the FBI against Sen. Ted Stevens, Enron and Arthur Anderson executives, Martha Stewart, Scooter Libby, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michaael Flynn, George Pappadapoulos, Michael Caputo, Carter Page, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Mark Cohen, on and on.
There's a difference between a lawful trial and a shakedown.

The worst was the Roger Stone case, where the FBI was going to drop the case, it was so egregious in its abuse. But the judge kept the case open and convicted Stone anyway! Kept a jury that was loaded with Democrat partisans, kept a jury foreperson who was rabid in her Facebook and Twitter posts about her hatred for both Roger Stone and Donald Trump, that eliminated any possible mistake she was a neutral juror, and in fact should have been up on charges herself for PRETENDING to be neutral to get on the jury to convict Stone. But she was instead allowed to remain foreperson and convict Stone anyway!

It's one thing to convict Alex Jones, or anyone based on an unquestionably fair trial. IF it were fair. But this was clearly not the case. I've lost a lot of faith in our judicial system over the last 20 years, particularly in the last 5.