It just amazes me how many Democrat violent acts there are against conservatives, or really, against ANYONE, even moderates and Democrats who disagree with their radical Bolshevik revolution authoritarian police-state ideas.

Threatening Sen. Joe Manchin and Sen. Kirsten Sinema in various public places, trapping Sinema in a bathroom stall while she was taking a dump. And these are people who are on their side, and were just leveraging the maximum they could get for legislation concessions, before selling out their voters and states ! (Which they finally did, 3 months before the 2022 mid-term election.)

The incendiary rhetoric and violence unleashed on Republicans for the last 6 years, openly endorsed by the likes of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, hardcore illiterate nutcase Cori Bush, and pretty much every House, Senate, White House and former administration Democrat. Backed up by the Orwellian Newspeak liberal media, and George Orwell's big tech industry and social media.

Since BLM and Antifa went Defcon Five with the George Floyd arrest and death (he would have overdosed and died within 30 minutes if the 4 police officers had never arrived, was already overdosing on Fentanyl BEFORE they arrived, that he had just illegally purchased in the car he was arrested in). The Democrats have exploited the situation and stoked violence, arson and looting of close to 600 cities, injuring over 2,000 police officers, killing 25 civilians, killing 2 police officers. And yet....
Where are merrick Garland and the FBI?
Nowhwere too be found.

Merrick Garland's DOJ and FBI are too busy manufacturing fake "white racist violent white supremacist" cases of violence, to rationalize using FBI to investigate, persecute and destroy the Democrats' political opposition, ahead of the 2022 and 2024 elections.

Among the many cases I've cited of ACTUAL violent Democrat insurrectionist violence (amid an ocean of fake FBI-manufactured "violent white supremacist" violence that doesn't actually exist), this one:


Joe Biden said MAGA Republicans were a threat to our nation. These freedom-loving patriots, who only want a government that works for them, better trade deals, more jobs, and fewer taxes, are a clear and present danger that must be crushed. And yet, we’re not the ones killing people over political disputes. That would be the Democrats. The Left used the January 6 riot to smear Trump supporters as violent insurrectionists. Still, only one person was killed inside the Capitol Building, Ashli Babbitt, whose officer-involved death continues to be plagued with lingering questions. Those inquiries will remain, but one act of political violence will probably go under the radar due to its location, but that doesn’t make it less relevant given the war cry bellowed by Mr. Biden.

In McHenry, North Dakota, a 41-year-old man allegedly ran down an 18-year-old teenager over a political dispute, killing him. He was reportedly drunk at the time of the attack. To make things more bizarre, the alleged perpetrator called the police on himself and admitted to killing the North Dakota teenager. He is held on $50,000 bail since he claimed he wasn’t a flight risk as if that means anything in a potential homicide investigation. The victim reportedly called his mother before his death, asking for help as he noticed the man chasing him down (via Grand Forks Herald):

Prosecutors allege moments before he was killed, 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson called his mom to come rescue him because 41-year-old Shannon Brandt was chasing him in the city of McHenry, where the street dance had just wrapped up.

By the time she could get there, her son was dead.

Brandt was officially charged Monday with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident.


Court papers show Brandt called 911 around 2:30 a.m. Sunday and told the 911 dispatcher that he just hit Ellingson, claiming the teen was part of a Republican extremist group and was calling people to come get Brandt after a political argument.

Ellingson's mom told police her son called her just before the crash, asking if she knew Brandt, which she does. She does not believe her son knew him.


"We are still trying to determine what, exactly, transpired at the time of crash and prior to that as well," explained Niewind.

Police say Brandt was drunk when he hit and killed Ellingson with his SUV.

"We do not know of any witnesses. We are still making attempts to interview potential witnesses from the street dance, people that were present prior to the crash happening," Niewind said.

A loser twice the victim's age couldn’t handle a political argument, so he allegedly killed him. That sounds like a rational individual. Whether they live in cities or rural America, the Left is just unspooled.



and :


and :


Just a few of the recent examples of ACTUAL violent Democrat insurrection and state terrorism, against anyone who disagrees with them.

Wouldn't it be nice if the FBI would give up its Democrat-weaponized Stalinist purge of all Republican dissent and peaceful political organization, and again allow a healthy Constitutional republic, and a healthy debate of ideas in a two-party system.
And instead, the FBI could, y'know, actually go after ACTUAL violent criminals and terrorists, and ACTUAL radical islamic terrorist threats to the country.
If only...

And in a lawless Merrick Garland / Democrat-Bolshevik system, where they pretty much ignore actual crime, and use all their resources to attack their Republican opposition under the fake narrative Republicans are criminals, that will only incentivize more Democrat-Bolshevik violence and terrorism, and move us closer to becoming a one-party authoritarian state.
The violent criminals are the heroes of the Democrat-Bolshevik revolution. So don't expect these attacks to stop, until Biden and the rest of the Democrat leadership are removed.