
Here's an old post from the John Bolton topic, with a link that allows you to read all the HOUSE OF HAMMER stories by Bolton, including the ones I haven't already linked above.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, May 27, 2017
I just found a site that has scans of the complete series of the British HOUSE OF HAMMER magazine:


Issues 1-18 are HOUSE OF HAMMER. Apparently for copyright reasons after Hammer films went out of business, the magazine title changed after that.
And HALLS OF HORROR for the remaining issues 20-30.

The magazine's run was further complicated by cancellation after issue 23 (1-23 ran from 1976-1978).
Issues 24-30 ran from 1982-1984.

Bolton stories are in issues :
4 "Curse of the Leopard Men" 5 pages, Feb 1977
6 "Dracula: Prince of Darkness" 15p, March 1977 (also r in DRACULA COMICS SPECIAL 1, April 1984, also at the above site)
8 "Father Shandor, Demon Stalker" 6p, April 1977 (also r in WARRIOR 1, March 1982)
10 "The Werewolf" 15p. July 1977 [a k a, Vol 2 No 1]
14 Where Monsters Roamed" One Million B.C. movie adaptation 15p, Nov 1977 [a k a, Vol 2 No 2]
16 "River of Corpses..." (Father Shandor, part 2) 6p, Jan 1978 [Vol 2 No 4] (also r in WARRIOR 2, April 1982)
21 "The Devil's Dark Destiny" (Father Shandor, part 3) 6p, June 1978 [Vol 2 No 9] (also r in WARRIOR 3, July 1982)
25 "The Monster Cabaret" 12p, 1982 [Vol 3 No 1]
26 "The Monster Club" 8p, 1983 [Vol 3 No 2]

It was editor Dezz Skinn who archived the above scans, so it's a legitimate site. From what I've read elsewhere, these magazines are extremely rare, less than 5,000 copies each for most of them, so this is a great public service.
Mostly articles and photos of horror films, but aside from the Bolton work, these magazines are 52 pages each, and about 18 per issue are comics stories. And most of the artists are on a par with Bolton in quality.

I thought Grimm might enjoy the articles too.

Dezz Skinn was the editor and driving force behind WARRIOR (1982-1984), that introduced Alan Moore's MARVELMAN, and V FOR VENDETTA series, that he [Alan Moore] left to do SWAMP THING. Both series were initially left unfinished, and Moore concluded them after finishing his SWAMP THING run. It was published in a 10" X 12" British magazine size.

I have a complete run of WARRIOR.
I only have one issue of HOUSE OF HAMMER (issue 8). The early issues are quite pricey in their original form.