A trip back in time in this Youtube clip, to days after the 2018 midterm election, a clip posted by CNN, from the mouth of the CNN serpent itself :

Trump clashes with Jim Acosta in heated exchange (and with the rest of the openly hostile Democrat-Bolshevik media)

First off, they treat Trump as president in a demeaning way they would never treat Bill Clinton or Barack Obama or Joe Biden.

Second, one of the reporters (the one after Jim Acosta) accuses President Trump of "pitting Americans against one another" for simply upholding the rule of law, and opposing massive waves of illegal immigrants in the thousands in caravans entering the country illegally and unvetted. And further, overtly calls Trump a racist. (JIM ACOSTA: "Mr. President, are you a white nationalist, are your a racist?" )
Trump clarifies that we need immigrants because of economic growth, because of factories and jobs returning to the United States because of Trump's economic policy, that we need immigrants, but that it's important they enter legally, so that they are vetted and not criminals, or terrorists, that they are screened for diseases, so they are not a threat or health risk to millions of Americans. So that we know who is entering our country. Because without those protections, our nation and its people would be in danger.

Now here we are in 2022, under the Democrat-Bolshevik administration of Joe Biden and his puppetmasters, where President Trump's protections (which is to say: upholding 200 years of immigration law), have been abandoned under Biden's regime, has undermined border security and vetting of illegal immigrants. And further abandoned law enforcement domestically, with mass release of violent inmates, and "no-cash-bail" policy that allows immediate release of even the most violent offenders.

Every one of our major cities is seeing a 30 to 80 percent rise in crime and violence. Everything Trump said in 2018 as president, that he was vilified for by White House press corps reporters in this clip for as "divisive" or "racist" for saying, turns out to be the proven right policy.
And what Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks have unleashed since Jan 2021 is chaos, crime, violence, and instability, combined with hyperinflation, dependence on foreign energy suppliers, potential economic collapse, and foreign wars where Biden and others openly talk about nuclear war with Russia, a war they are soliciting. And despite calls daily from Moscow, the Biden administration is not even returning their calls. All these things are a DIRECT result of Biden policy.

Everything Trump did as president was right, caused the greatest economic expansion in over 50 years, brought factories and jobs back to the United States, strengthened our military, raised incomes and job prospects for Americans in every demographic group, created the first rise of wages in real dollars in 50 years, re-negotiated economic trade agreements in favor of the U.S. with every major trading partner nation globally, and made the United States oil-ndependent and a net exporter of oil for the first time in over 70 years.
Biden and his Democrat-Bolsheviks have destroyed all that in less than 18 months, and are doing absolutely nothing to reverse course, before it leads the country to even greater disaster.

And CNN and the rest of the at least 80% liberal media have proven themselves to be the enemy of the people Trump said they were, in deliberately suppressing and lying about the true facts to the American public, in their partisan zeal to keep the Democrats in power with their controlled media narrative.
Trump (in the aabove clip with Jim Acosta) is quoted by the second reporter as saying "Americans need to fear Democrats, Democrats [their policy] will unleash a wave of violent crime that will endanger families everywhere."
That was portrayed by the reporter in this clip as divisive, and as "pitting Americans against each other". No, it was simply true and accurate.
Two years into a Biden presidency, we now see that predicted wave of violence, caused directly by Democrat policy, unleashed EVERY NIGHT on the national news, in every major city.

On every point, Trump has been proven right, and the Democrats and their propagandists in the media have been proven wrong.
The Democrat-Bolshevik party leadership, working together with George Orwell's liberal media, is what allowed them to pull off their 2020 coup, and seize power.
To the destruction and detriment of the nation.