Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Cue more of my frofnity-laden insults and pointless antagonism, without a shred of fact to back up what I'm saying. Just unleashing vulgarity and insults at people I dissagree with, because I can't intellectually match them in the realm of debate and facts...

And by the way : "gauging" ? Spell much? Write english much?

The "Band of misfit morons" are the Democrats who to a man support Marxism (sometimes euphemistically branding it Socialism (but "The goal of socialism is communism" --Vladimir Lenin), the morons who screech "De-fund the police", the Democrat morons who support Black Lives Matter and Antifa, the morons who cheered on as BLM/Antifa burned and looted 575 cities in 2020, the Democrat morons who cheer on nightly attacks by Antifa on federal buildings and armed attacks on federal agents and ICE agents. The Democrat morons who release violent criminals with no-bail laws sso they can rape and kill more people. Except of course (the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi, the illegals bussed to Martha's Vinyard) when THEY are at risk, and then suddenly they want violent criminals in jail, and illegals deported. ONLY then. And mayors and city councils like those in Chicago and Los Angeles, that rail on de-funding the police, but then reserve 50 officers to protect themselves, hypocritically, obscenely, while the protection they took away from their constituents causes people to be raped and killed.

And about "wanting a civil war", I've heard no Republican voice that. Republicans are the rule off law side, who believe in our system and institutions, no matter how much the Democrats try to rig the political machinery.
It is the DEMOCRATS who want Socialism/Marxism, who undermine the rule of law, the party of crime, the party of illegal immigration and of circumnavigating and undermining border security, the DEMOCRATS who support the Bolshevik violence and intimidation of BLM and Antifa. Who tear down, burn and urinate on statues of our nation's founders, such is their hatred for our nation and Constitution. (NANCY PELOSI: "I don't care about statues...")
It is the DEMOCRATS who want to stack the Supreme court, and support protesters outside their homes 24/7 intimidating them and their families to prevent them from neuttrally ruling on cases.
It is the DEMOCRATS who are trying to federalize elections (H.R.1, S.B.1) to set up authoritarian one-party rule, where Republicans can not even challenge unfair elections or ask for election re-counts when there is question of rigged elections. Where the Democrat party permanently rigs the system, so they can never lose another election.

And by the way, moron, The top three issues of concern to voters are inflation (CAUSED by Democrats), rising crime (CAUSED by Democrats), and rising illegal immigration/lack of border security (CAUSED by Democrats). All of which were not even issues when Trump left office on Jan 20, 2021. Less than 2 years later, Democrat Bolshevism and contempt for ourr laws has made them all major crises.

The only reason Republicans have not reaped landslides in 2020 and 2022 is because Democrats have rigged the election machinery. And I've already cited abundant sources to back that up.
And by the way, when was the election... ? Tuesday.
What day is it now...? Saturday.
Do we have the election results yet...? NO.
The prosecution rests. It's (yet another) rigged election. The delays allow Democrats to see how far ahead the Republicans are, so they can manufacture and inject the amount of fake ballots needed to rig a narrow Democrat win.

"Frofinity" guy attacking others for using language above his grade level: A Snapshot of Why Wonder Loser Keeps Doubling Down on Losing