At least in my case it's just a typo I easily corrected.
Whereas you can't, and make up words like one of the illiterate chimps on an episode of Jerry Springer or Maury Povich.

I've cited the facts, that you can't dispute.
About the Bolshevik lawless nature of the Democrat party.
About the PROVEN consistent election rigging they use every election cycle.
About the Democrat/Left's worship of Marxists, and their clear, and not even hidden at this point, attempts to destroy our Constitutional republic, and replace it with an authoritarian Socialist/Marxist police state where they control every aspect of our lives.
I've cited the facts, that you can't dispute, but can only hate and lash out against, maliciously and impotently.

All you have are your tantrums and profanity-laden insults

Originally Posted by Iggy
cry panic Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc. cry panic