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I posted this to another topic, but I think it underscores how illegitimate the Mueller special investigation, as well as the previous FBI counter-intelligence investigation, both were :

Democrat Ex-CIA Agent Says Comey Must Get The ‘Death Penalty’ If Found Guilty Of Treason

By Jim Hayek
May 3, 2020

Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey should face the death penalty if found guilty for weaponizing FBI against Donald Trump and his campaign in 2016, according to ex-CIA agent and Democrat Bryan Dean Wright.

“My preference, I’d love to see the death penalty,” Wright said on Fox & Friends Friday. “And boy oh boy, I’ll tell you, if I could flip the switch myself, I’d do it.”

“Because these men are traitors. They absolutely assaulted not just the Trump administration, but your vote, my vote, and anybody who went to the ballot box in 2016 irrespective of who we voted for.”

“They decided that they were going to choose the nation’s political winners and losers,” Wright added.

Wright’s remarks come after the government released documents last week from General Michael Flynn’s investigation showing the FBI deliberately tried to set up and frame Flynn in order to get him fired or prosecuted.

Among the most damning evidence was a hand-written FBI note describing how they were going to entrap Flynn.

“What’s our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” reads the note, written by the FBI’s then-director of counterintelligence.

“If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it.”

Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell claimed the “stunning” evidence proves that Flynn was framed by “corrupt agents at the top of the FBI.”

“The government produced to Mr. Flynn stunning Brady evidence that proves Mr. Flynn’s allegations of having been deliberately set up and framed by corrupt agents at the top of the FBI,” Powell wrote on Friday.

“The government deliberately suppressed this evidence from the inception of this prosecution — knowing there was no crime by Mr. Flynn,” she wrote.

Attorney General William Barr has indicated that he believes the FBI’s “Russia collusion” investigation into Trump and his campaign is “one of the greatest travesties in American history” because it was launched “without any basis” by Trump’s political opponents to “sabotage” his presidency.

“I think the president has every right to be frustrated, because I think what happened to him was one of the greatest travesties in American history,” Barr told Fox News host Laura Ingraham last month.

“Without any basis they started this investigation of his campaign, and even more concerning, actually is what happened after the campaign, a whole pattern of events while he was president,” Barr added. “So I — to sabotage the presidency, and I think that – or at least have the effect of sabotaging the presidency.”

That these facts were widely known a year ago, that judge Emmett Sullivan maliciously kept the case against Flynn going even after the FBI admitted to their internal corruption and withdrew their prosecution of Michael Flynn, the fact that Barack Obama, Joe Biden, then-acting attorney general Sally Yates, national security advisor Susan Rice, FBI director James Comey, CIA director John Brennan, DNI director James Clapper, and then-white house chief of staff Denis McDonough, all conspired to frame Michael Flynn on Jan 5 2017. All this was revealed in a memo by Sally Yates, that the 2 FBI agents investigating, after months of investigation of the case against Michael Flynn, saw no evidence of wrongdoing, and were going to close the case.

But when the 2 agents notified up the FBI management chain to Peter Strzok of this on Jan 4 2017, Strzok ordered the agents to leave it open and that the "7th floor" (FBI upper management) would take over the case.
And on Jan 5th the above 8 people (Obama, Biden, Yates, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Comey and McDonough) were in a White House meeting, and Yates in her notes said she was shocked at the the information Obama cited at the meeting, from transcripts of Flynn's recorded phone conversation with the Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
Transcripts that even Yates as acting DOJ attorney general didn't have!
That were so disturbing to Yates when Obama quoted them that she said in her notes, she was so shocked by it she "had trouble processing" what Obama said during the remainder of the oval office meeting!

Notes from Sally Yates, notes from Bill Priestap, notes from Susan Rice, notes from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, documents of the fraudulent and falsified FISA requests by Kevin Clinesmith, among others have all either been FOIA-requested, or de-classified by Trump's DNI, and **ALL** these documents reveal a pattern of deliberate deception, of weaponizing the FBI by Democrat partisans within the FBI and DOJ, to frame Flynn and others of the Trump administration. Absolutely no question now, that is exactly what happened.

That this has been known and in the national press FOR A YEAR, and yet no one has been prosecuted, is a disgrace.
And at the very least, an absolution for everyone in the Trump administration who was targeted, in a corrupt weaponization of FBI, DOJ and other intelligence branches.

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Michael Flynn was railroaded by Comey's FBI

by James A. Gagliano
May 04, 2020

The time has come to cease affording the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team generous benefit of the doubt. A steady stream of unflattering revelations, beginning with a report by the Justice Department's inspector general into egregious FISA abuses last December, has relentlessly pounded the reputation of my former agency. Now, further irrefutable proof emerges that a small cabal of FBI headquarters decision-makers was hellbent on undoing a presidency.

I know it sounds strange to hear me make such an accusation. I’m the guy who long attempted to thread the needle, accounting for honest human frailties, trusting that mistakes should not always be chalked up to malice or sinister intent. Cautious skepticism was a default mindset that served me well across a quarter century as an FBI investigator. That condition failed me here because one thing is clear.

Michael Flynn got railroaded.

Careful examination of fresh facts related to Flynn pleading guilty to Title 18 U.S. Code § 1001 (essentially, lying to a federal agent) provides an eye-popping and clear-cut case of investigative inconsistencies and partisan political bias. At the request of defense attorney Sidney Powell, who is seeking to have the retired lieutenant general’s plea withdrawn, additional evidence related to the Flynn case has recently been released by the prosecution. According to Flynn’s defense team, some uncovered FBI notes illustrate a concerted effort by former FBI Director James Comey's team to set Flynn up.

The notes in question are handwritten and appear to outline the Crossfire Hurricane team’s objectives for the planned interview with Flynn at the White House, just days after the inauguration of President Trump. They are clearly initialed by then-FBI Assistant Director for the Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap. I know Bill from our overlapping assignments in the FBI’s New York office. He is an experienced, honorable, and well-respected lawman.

But one passage fairly leaped off the page at me:

“What's our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired? If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it.”

It almost appears as if Priestap is attempting to memorialize his own opposition to the Flynn ambush. As in, who would ever chronicle that type of stratagem knowing it might one day be considered Brady material or be subject to a Freedom of Information Act request? It defies credulity. But in Priestap’s defense, he was full-on sailing against the wind.

Then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe essentially called the shots in Crossfire Hurricane. The FBI is charged with enforcing federal law. Nowhere in our identified mission and priorities exists a goal to set a perjury trap or, absent evidence of a prosecutable crime, get someone fired. Why even consider this an objective?

To borrow a line from comedian Jeff Foxworthy: If this doesn’t bother you, you might be a party-over-country partisan.

Since the FBI was already in possession of the transcript of Flynn’s telephone call with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, what exactly was to be gained by the interview? Nothing except the potential to jam him up and get him removed as national security adviser. It was never going to charge him for violations of the Logan Act or the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Even Robert Mueller’s team could have done so. It passed. These laws are seldom, if ever, enforced. Just ask the lobbyists on K Street.

Even Comey once believed Flynn not to have misrepresented facts to the FBI. The fired former director, who enjoys a cozy relationship with the Washington Post, was awarded “Two Pinocchios” by the paper’s fact-checker after a denial in an interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier, who asked him if he had ever “[told] lawmakers that FBI agents didn’t believe former national security adviser Michael Flynn was lying intentionally to investigators?”

Which leads us back to the ubiquitous Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. After McCabe circumvented established channels, forgoing calls to DOJ or the newly emplaced White House counsel or chief of staff, Flynn became a ripe target. After assuring the new national security adviser that he didn’t need an attorney present, McCabe dispatched two agents to the White House.

During a conversation with MSNBC's Nicole Wallace in 2019, Comey smugly recounted this episode of personally sending Strzok and an FBI supervisory special agent, Joe Pientka, to meet with Flynn. According to Comey, this tactic was “something ... I probably wouldn't have done or gotten away with in a more organized investigation — a more organized administration."

So Strzok (famously fired for his partisan text exchanges with Page), along with the FBI official who overruled case personnel and ordered that the Flynn case remain open after recommendations that it be closed for lack of any evidence, had his opportunity.

What happened next infuriates me.

The Flynn FD-302 interview notes appear to have been manipulated by Strzok and Page. Pientka was apparently the note taker. Consistent with FBI protocols, Strzok, as a party to the interview, can certainly discuss recollections with Pientka prior to the final document being approved by both. But somehow, Page, the DOJ attorney who was not present at the interview and was not an FBI agent, was involved in the edits.

Strzok advises Page, in a newly released batch of text exchanges between the two, that he was “trying to not completely rewrite” the FD-302, “so as to save [redacted] voice.” The redacted name is most likely Pientka. Strzok wants the document to appear to be voiced by the other agent. But only after he and Page can craft the words to make Flynn appear guilty of lying to the FBI.

As retired FBI agent Thomas Baker points out in the Wall Street Journal:

“Worse still, the FD-302 that was eventually provided to the court wasn’t that of the agents’ interview of Mr. Flynn. It was instead an FD-302 of an interview of Mr. Strzok, conducted months later, about his recollections of the original interview. Truly bizarre.”
The uncomfortable truth is that the cases focusing on Trump (Crossfire Hurricane) and Hillary Clinton (Midyear Exam) were handled inconsistently. The Clinton investigation (which Obama-era Attorney General Loretta Lynch famously suggested be referred to as a "matter," not an investigation) was not handled aggressively or in keeping with the standards of the apolitical ethos of the FBI.

As former Rep. Trey Gowdy sarcastically described the stark differences between the hyperaggressive tactics employed against Flynn and the ludicrous preconditions that the FBI generously conceded to in order to interview Clinton in 2016:

“She had a medium-sized law firm in the room with her. They gave the questions to her lawyer before they interviewed her, and they most assuredly told her there’s a consequence for lying. None of which they did for Michael Flynn.”
So again, I ask: Why did the same crew of FBI investigators handle these two consequential investigations of political candidates in very different fashions if not for the rather obvious injection of political bias in decision-making?

Many have batted down that suggestion, arguing that Michael Horowitz’s report cleared the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team of partisanship. That is patently false.

Here’s Horowitz in exchange with Sen. Josh Hawley on Dec. 18, 2019:

Hawley: “Was it your conclusion that political bias did not affect any part of the Page investigation, any part of Crossfire Hurricane?”

Horowitz: “We did not reach that conclusion.”

Hawley: “Because I could have sworn — in fact, I know for a fact that I’ve heard that today from this committee. That’s not your conclusion?”

Horowitz: “We have been very careful in the connection with the FISAs for the reasons you mentioned to not reach that conclusion in part, as we’ve talked about earlier, [because of] the alteration of the email, the text messages associated with the individual who did that, and our inability to explain or understand, to get good explanations so that we could understand why this all happened.”
Horowitz was referring to DOJ attorney Kevin Clinesmith, who materially altered an email to misrepresent information to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. You will also recall the text message whereby he defiantly exhorted, “Viva la Resistance.” Not much political bias to speak of there, right?

The final nail in the coffin of those who pretend political bias did not influence the FBI’s decisions in 2016 and 2017 is a text exchange between Strzok and Page on Feb. 25, 2016, discussing how to approach the Clinton interview:

Page: “One more thing: She might be our next president. The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more DOJ than FBI?”

Strzok: “I called Bill and relayed what we discussed. He agrees.”
Compare that to Priestap's quote: “What’s our goal? Truth/Admission or get him to lie, so we can get him fired?”

The contrast is stunning. No plausible explanation exists here other than rank partisan, political bias.

I’ll say it again: Michael Flynn got railroaded.


James A. Gagliano (@JamesAGagliano) worked in the FBI for 25 years. He is a law enforcement analyst for CNN and an adjunct assistant professor in homeland security and criminal justice at St. John's University. Gagliano is a member of the board of directors of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund.

That's not even including the Sally Yates and Susan Rice memos, that incriminate all 8 of the top people in the Obama administration, in plotting the frame of Michael Flynn in their Jan 5 2017 meeting.

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Flynn knowingly and repeatedly lied to the FBI. And here he’s lying again when he claims he wasn’t suggesting a coup when there is video of him doing exactly that…
Flynn a liar

This is not an honorable person or a truthful one.

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Flynn knowingly and repeatedly lied to the FBI. And here he’s lying again when he claims he wasn’t suggesting a coup when there is video of him doing exactly that…
Flynn a liar

This is not an honorable person or a truthful one.

As I made clear, even the two FBI agents who interviewed Flynn (one of them Peter Strzok) were convinced Flynn was not intentionally witholding any information. FACT.

Re-read the above editorial by a 25-year veteran of the FBI, and also a CNN contributer. Comey didn't think Flynn was lying. Priestap said in his report that it looked like a set up to frame Flynn or get him fired. Interviewing agents Strzok and Pientka on Jan 24 2017 thought Flynn was not deliberately witholding anything.

And the outrageous double-standard of how Flynn was treated, vs how Hillary Clinton was treated in an identical FBI interview. Flynn was deceived into not having an attorney present. Hillary Clinton had an army of attorneys present. Flynn was recorded for the specific purpose of laying a perjury trap for Flynn. Hillary Clinton's FBI interview was (against protocol) NOT recorded, so it could never be used to put her in a similar perjury trap.

And finally, the entire phone conversation between Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak was recorded. There was not one question the two FBI agents asked Flynn in his White House office that they didn't already know the answer to. The only purpose was to catch Flynn where he recalled a detail in defective memory, so they could later allege he perjured himself in the interview.
After assuring him he didn't need a lawyer present!
To shake him down, to make him sign a confession to crimes he didn't commit. EVEN THE FBI dropped the Flynn trial case, because it was embarassingly criminal the way they entrapped Flynn. But astonishingly, loyal Democrat zealot judge Emmett Sullivan kept it open for months beyond that, for purely political reasons, like the loyal Democrat Bolshevik he is.

What, pray tell, was Flynn's crime? Other than a perjury trap, and a Perkins-Coie deeply Democrat law firm who convinced Flynn to sign a plea bargain for perjury he was not even guilty of?
How many hundreds of other convictions of innocent men have James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, and others of their FBI inner circle set up and imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit? Sidney Powell represented some lesser executives for Enron and Arthur Andersen accounting firm (a company with thousands of employees, bankrupted overnight by FBI allegations), who were years later acquitted in a 9-0 unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision. But the lives and jobs destroyed can never be re-created. Two of them died in prison before being posthumously exonerated.

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Just another log on the massive bonfire, exposing Democrat lies regarding the "Russia collusion" narrative, and the eager participation of the FBI, DOJ, Hillary Clinton campaign, Obama administration, and CIA in propping up that false narrative...

The Steele Dossier: Pure Democratic Farce
The more it is analyzed, the worse it looks.


The media has told us for years that Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence agent turned opposition researcher for Hillary Clinton, possessed impeccable credentials and unique powers of research and insight. Reporters spoke about the “Steele Dossier” in hushed and reverential tones. But now it is a source of enormous embarrassment to the media, FBI, and anyone else who took it seriously. As the Wall Street Journal reported this week, Steele’s supposedly damning file on Trump–Russia collusion turns out to be nothing more than outlandish gossip traded among Hillary’s supporters.

In retrospect, it is clear why the media went berserk over Buzzfeed’s publication of the dossier. Before that moment, reporters could make ominous references to Steele’s alleged findings. But the moment they were published, the shoddiness of them became evident for all to see and reporters could no longer use Steele’s dossier as a weapon against Trump.

The Steele dossier deserves a special place in the annals of farcical political scams. Were Hollywood not so biased to the Left, it would probably turn the story into a dark goofball comedy. As the Wall Street Journal notes, “many of the dossier’s key details originated with a few people gossiping after they had been brought together over a minor corporate publicity contract.” Remember those Kremlin insiders Steele ostensibly quoted? They were just Democrats who wanted to see Trump lose.

Steele didn’t even bother to cobble these lies together himself. He found a “researcher” in Washington, D.C., Igor Danchenko, to collect them for him. Danchenko has already admitted that some of his alleged information came from “conversation that he had with friends over beers” in Washington. According to the Wall Street Journal, the most salacious story in the dossier — that the Russians had “kompromat” on Trump about him hiring prostitutes to urinate on a hotel bed Barack Obama once slept on — appears to come from Charles Dolan, a Democratic public relations executive in Washington.

Whatever account Dolan gave Danchenko has completely fallen apart. “Mr. Danchenko told the FBI he had gotten the prostitute story from a friend,” reports the Wall Street Journal. “He said that he heard it told in jest and that he described it to Mr. Steele as rumor and speculation.” In 2016, Dolan went on a hotel tour of the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow, where he supposedly picked up the story, but even one of his colleagues who accompanied him on the tour told the FBI that the hotel staff never said anything about Trump and prostitutes. So the “rumor and speculation” didn’t even come from anybody in Russia.

The hackishness of Steele cannot be overstated. He not only cast Democratic gossips as Kremlin insiders but also occasionally quoted them as Trump insiders. In his section on Paul Manafort, Steele describes Charles Dolan as an “American political figure associated with Trump” who revealed that several “senior players close to Trump had wanted Manafort out, primarily to loosen his control on strategy and policy formulation.” Dolan has told the FBI that this great scoop came from “public news sources,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Where are the apologies from the media and the FBI for treating all of this nonsense so gravely? In their most solemn style, anchormen repeatedly cited the specter of Russia’s compromising information on Trump. Endless panel discussions ensued on the subject. It was all just an echo chamber of Democratic lies.

It is staggering that Steele’s pitiful collection of smears — which consisted largely of Democrats just quoting each other — could upend the American political system, and do so with the full cooperation of the FBI. James Comey comes off in all of this not only as a sanctimonious fraud but also an astonishing imbecile. His slavish regard for Steele, his oh-so-momentous meeting with Trump over Russia’s “kompromat,” and his use of Steele’s dossier to secure FISA warrants — this is all beyond the most perverse parody.

Richard Nixon used to joke that the CIA is just a bunch of guys sitting around reading newspapers. What would he have said about Comey’s FBI? It didn’t even do the most rudimentary vetting of Democratic gossip. Its fact-checking prowess is on par with CNN’s.

Out of bar gossip among Trump haters came an investigation that hobbled his campaign and derailed his presidency. Even Trump’s most hyperbolic tweets about this harassment now look understated. And should he run again in 2024, the media will resume its hair-on-fire hysterics about him. Most of the figures in the Russia farce still appear on TV or the lecture circuit as “trusted” experts on threats to America. They have paid no price for their grotesque interference in our democracy.

The Russians are “laughing their asses off in Moscow,” Trump once tweeted about the havoc the Steele Dossier caused. No doubt the Russians are still laughing. The more the dossier is dissected, the more of a sick joke it all seems. Putin’s interference in American affairs has always been designed to make America look like a dysfunctional paper tiger. But he needn’t bother. As the Steele Dossier episode illustrates, America’s ruling class is perfectly capable of displaying that on its own.

The DOJ and FBI knew the truth before the first FISA warrant was filed against Trump staffer Carter Page, used as a vehicle to run illegal surveillance on the entire Trump campaign, transition team, and inaugurated Trump administration, for an entire year.

Bolshevik tactics by Democrat loyalists, weaponizing government agencies against a sitting president. And the CIA as well, with then-CIA director John Brennan believed to be the one who conceived the plot, that the Hillary campaign, the Obama administration, and heads of FBI, DOJ and CIA all participated in. That they should all go to jail for.

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The Hunter Biden laptop was known of by the Democrat-to-a-man FBI and Mueller investigative team, for years, and was never even discussed in the investigation, or even after.

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A few weeks ago, attorney general Comrade commissar Merrick Garland announced yet another partisan witch hunt he's launching against Donald Trump.

Rep. Elise Stefanik did a nice job of explaining why this is just another sham Democrat-Bolshevik weaponization of government against their political opposition.

Exclusive: Elise Stefanik Slams Special Counsel Jack Smith as ‘Compromised’ by ‘Corrupt’ DOJ
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), the third senior ranking House Republican, ripped special counsel Jack Smith on Tuesday for being a “compromised” member of President Joe Biden’s politicized Department of Justice (DOJ).
Appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland on November 18, Smith is overseeing investigations into former President Donald Trump concerning documents he took to Mar-a-Lago post-presidency. Smith’s appointment occurred just three days after Trump announced a 2024 presidential bid. The appointment was purportedly made to remove any conflict of interest between Biden and his potential 2024 political opponent.

“Based on recent developments, including the former President’s announcement that he is a candidate for President in the next election, and the sitting President’s stated intention to be a candidate as well, I have concluded that it is in the public interest to appoint a special counsel,” Garland said in his announcement of the special counsel.
While Biden’s DOJ launched a special counsel to investigate Trump, Stefanik pointed out no special counsel has been appointed by the DOJ to continue the ongoing probe into Hunter Biden. A special counsel would put a degree of separation between Joe and Hunter Biden, members of the “Biden Crime Family.”

“The facts are clear: Jack Smith is compromised,” Stefanik told Breitbart News. “Joe Biden’s weaponized DOJ has launched an illegitimate special counsel to investigate his number one political opponent.”
“Where is the investigation into his criminal son Hunter Biden’s corrupt business dealings with Joe Biden?” she asked. “House Republicans will hold the Biden Crime Family accountable.”

Stefanik added the DOJ will be investigated by the new GOP House majority for its “corrupt” politicization of justice. “Our House Republican majority will investigate Joe Biden’s corrupt Department of Justice and make sure our government is once again accountable to the American people,” she told Breitbart News.
Garland’s appointment of Smith has been criticized by Republicans as partisan. Most recently, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has stated Smith is a partisan actor whose record includes being involved in the IRS’s targeting of conservatives. Smith also led the prosecution and conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R), which was later reversed 9-0 by the Supreme Court.

A close family connection of Smith’s is also worrisome. His wife, Katy Chevigny, was a 2020 Biden donor who produced a Michelle Obama documentary called, “Becoming.”

Despite the appearance of partisan preferences, Garland heralded Smith as a non-partisan prosecutor who “underscores the Department’s commitment to both independence and accountability in particularly sensitive matters.”

“Mr. Smith is the right choice to complete these matters in an even-handed and urgent manner,” Garland claimed.

Meanwhile, the investigation into Hunter Biden remains uncompleted and without a special counsel. The DOJ has reportedly delayed its “final decision” on whether Hunter will be charged for alleged tax and gun-related violations because his drug abuse could be an excuse the defense could successfully use to defend the president’s son against potential charges.

House Republicans have vowed to probe the “Biden Crime Family” with an emphasis on Joe Biden’s participation in the family’s business dealings.

“This is an investigation of Joe Biden, the president of the United States, and why he lied to the American people about his knowledge and participation in his family’s international business dealing schemes,” announced Rep. James Comer (R-TN) the top Republican on the Oversight Committee. “National security interests require to conduct an investigation and we will pursue all avenues – avenues that have long been ignored.”

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

As I recall, this is in addition to
1) a 9-month FBI counter-intelligence investigation of Trump for alleged Russia Collusion
(no FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Perkins-Coie law firm, Fusion GPS, or Christopher Steel and his agents, who ACTUALLY DID collude with Russia, paying the Russians millions, much of it directly from Russian intelligence agents, just to slander Trump in the Steele's "Russia Dossier")

2) A house investigation of Trump for the same allegations

3) a senate investigation for the same allegations, both concluded for lack of evidence

4) a Mueller special investigation, completely made up of hyper-political Trump-hating Democrat lawyers, many of them large Democrat party donors. Again, after politicizing their Mueller investigation, dragging it out for 2 and a half years, till July 2019 to influence the 2018 midterms and benefit the Democrats with a looming imlication of Republican corruption, they ultimately had nothing, and knew there was nothing within the first 30 days in 2017, but kept it open to benefit Democrats.
And NEVER investigated Hillary Clinton for obviously ACTUALLY DOING what Trump was only alleged to.

5) the contrived "whistleblower" who accused Trump of exerting excessive influence in a phone call to Ukraine president Zelenskyy (the whistleblower was actually an amalgam of allegations from both CIA agent Eric Ciaramella, and Col. Alexander Vindman, all contrived and woven together, ex parte, in Rep Adam Schiff's office.) Leading to the first fake impeachment attempt of Trump in Jan 2020, a contrrivance Trump should have not been burdened with, as the Covid-19 pandemic was ramping up to spread across the U.S. and the rest of the world.

6) the contrived second impeachment in Jan 2021, alleging against the obviouss evidence that Trump "incited" the rioting (hyperbolically exaggerated and politicized by Democrats as the panic "INSURRECTION"panic, and panic"STORMING OF THE CAPITOL"panic )

7) the New York state attorney general Leticia James's openly partisan investigation of Trump for... well... we really don't know, but she has vowed to "get Trump", by investigating his taxes and business records, for whatever crime she can manufacture, in a classic case of Beria's "show me the man and I will give you the crime".

8) at least two more U.S. attorneys investigating Trump, with no evidence of a crime, just whatever they can contrive to eventually bring charges against Trump.
Or just threaten to, without ever finding evidence of anything.

9) the hyper-partisan "January 6th House select committee", that laughably resembled a Soviet show trial, where evidence was selectively omitted to shape the exact lying narrative the Democrats wanted to portray, with an egregious omission of evidence (such as no mention of Trump's order for 20,000 National Guard troops on January 6th, and Chuck Schumer's, Nancy Pelosi's, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser's prevention of those troops being deployed to prevent what little violence occurred). And Pelosi not even allowing ACTUAL Republicans Rep. Jim Jordan and Jim Banks to be on the committee to ask questions. Only a completely manufactured fake narrative was permitted in the hearings. And it cost virtually all committee members their House seats in the 2022 midterm elections.

and now...
9) this Jack Smith appointed independent investigation, a clearly Democrat-partisan fanatic, who has already manifested his zeal to destroy any Republican who threatens the Democrat-Bolshevik party's hold on power. With multiple cases demonstrating he is anything but a neutral investigator. Just another Peter Strzok or Andrew McCabe or Jill Sanborn or Timothy Thibault. Another perfect example of the whole rotten core of the FBI. And THIS is who Merrick Garland appoints. To carry on the harassment, now that the January 6th Committee has laughably failed, and Democrat have lost the majority to control it.

Meanwhile, no special investigation of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's highly profitable and compromising millions from Russia, from Ukraine, from China, to the point that Biden is a "compromised" Manchurian Candidate.
No special investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server, or the Clinton Foundation's selling of access to Hillary Clinton's State Department in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations by hostile foreign nations, reaching over $100 million in profit for the Clintons.

No special investigation of Obama or Hillary for their negligence and inaction regarding the Sept 2012 Benghazi attacks.

No special investigation of Obama, Hillary Clinton and the top 7 Obama officials and FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies who spied on and tried to politically destroy the Trump campaign, and even the inaugurated Trump administration during its first year in office. As exemplified in their January 5 2017 Oval Office meeting, where they planned to destroy Michael Flynn, to prevent him from using his DNI position to discover and expose Obama's abuse of intelligence agencies in his 8 years, and Obama's illegal actions in the Iran Nuclear Deal.

No special investigation of the FBI itself, for its entire top-floor leadership's Democrat-partisan abuse of power, to cripple a presidential candidate, and to remove a sitting president Trump and his officials from power. And really, FBI abuses of power going back at least 20 years, by many of the same FBI players, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller, Patricck Fitxgeraals and others, where they would overcharge and intimidate people into taking a plea bargain for crimes they didn't commit, or spend the rest of their lives in jail. And in cases like Ted Stevens and Scooter Libby, convicted innocent men for crimes they were not guilty of. In Stevens' case overturned 9-0 by the U.S. Supreme Court, but still lost his Senate seat to a Democrat (courtesy of the Democrat-Bolshevik weaponized FBI), and in Libby's case, spent years in jail, for what reason I don't know, for alleged crimes that assistant deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage publicly admitted he was the one who unwittingly gave reporter Robert Novak the information, that allowed Novak to out Valerie Plame as a CIA agent. But even so, Scooter Libby spent years in jail for a crime he did not commit, until finally pardoned by Trump as president.

There is irony, in the OBVIOUS crimes that scream for a special investigation. And yet they just open another pile-on investigation of Trump, that no one believes has any merit or the slightest evidence of a crime, after tens of millions have been spent in prior Trump investigations over the least 7 years. The only purpose at this point iss to harass and politically smear Donald Trump, to prevent him from running or winning as a presidential candidate.
Your Democrat-Bolshevik govenrment at work. Under a 97% Democrat-donating FBI and DOJ, staffed by an army of Peter Strzoks, James Comeys, Andrew McCabes, Kevin Clinesmiths, Tim Thibaults, Jill Sanborns and Lisa Pages.

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If you'd invested with Madoff, then you'd still be thinking you'd get a return on your investment to this very day, sucker.

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Originally Posted by iggy
If you'd invested with Madoff, then you'd still be thinking you'd get a return on your investment to this very day, sucker.

Originally Posted by translated from the language the infants speak on planet Iggy
panic panic Nya nya nya, fuck you, fuck your mother, asshat, doofus, etc., etc. panicpanic

Get back to me when you have anything resembling a counter-argument to the facts I cited, moron.
My cited facts, vs. your insults and hyperventilating.

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Breitbart... ::eye roll::

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Originally Posted by iggy
Breitbart... ::eye roll::

Originally Posted by Iggy
panic Any news sources that don't align with Politico, Washington Post, News York Times, CNN and other liberal media is EEEEVIIIILLL and have to be discredited. panic

Yeah, it makes perfect sense that you can diversify your political perspective by only reading mainstream liberal sources. rolleyes
Especially liberal mainstream sources that have abundantly proven their bias and deliberately gotten it wrong so many times, openly stated their political zeal for one side, and been forced to retract stories and fire reporters so many times, from coverage of Occupy Wall Street, on up through Trump's campaign and presidency, and the last two years, embarassingly propping up the nation-destroying Democrat-Bolsheviks and a failing Joe Biden. That the liberal media you adore portrays as if it were manna from heaven.

These are the guys you trust to give you news and the facts, as you ironically demonize Breitbart.

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Durham Probe ends by bringing down all the deep state evil acto...oh, it failed to secure anything but the minor conviction of a corner cutting bureaucrat? Tax dollars well spent anyway! tongue

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Originally Posted by iggy
Durham Probe ends by bringing down all the deep state evil acto...oh, it failed to secure anything but the minor conviction of a corner cutting bureaucrat? Tax dollars well spent anyway! tongue

I was concerned of several possibilities in 2019-2020.
That William Barr could have been duped into selecting John Durham for the investigation,. But instead Barr clearly turned out to be a sit-on-his-hands deep state agent himself during the 2 months after the fraudulent Nov 2020 election. Where Barr as A.G. did NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to investigate election fraud, and therefore is part of the corruption).

Either (1) Barr selected Durham for the job not knowing he was a deep state agent, or (2) Barr deliberately selected Durham KNOWING he was a deep state agent, who would drag out the investigation for years until it no longer mattered, and then reveal nothing, change nothing, with no consequences for the federal deep state plotters.

A third theory I saw discussed ( I think former U.S. attorney Joe DiGenova) speculated that Durham could be a person of integrity, but after the previous hung-Democrat juries and judges in the cases of McCabe and Danchenko, knew it wouldn't make a difference no matter how hard he went after the FBI snd DOJ deep state Democrat-Bolsheviks, they would remain in power anyway. So by this theory, Durham soft-pedaled on the final report, but understatedly left some meat in his final report, that a possible Republican-majority House, Senate and Presidency together (if elected) could use use as a basis for an ACTUAL investigation, that with powers to investigate and prosecute, could finally drain the swamp.

So... there is some hope.

And the Republican House investigators, Led by Rep. Comer and Rep. Jim Jordan, are setting the stage for real prosecutions. if a Republican president in 2024 can replace Merrick Garland with an ACTUAL attorney general who has an interest in having the DOJ actually investigate and prosecute FBI, CIA, DOJ , and State Department officials, And Hillary, Obama and Biden officials, who have participated in rigging multiple national elections,
Rigging that has been happening since at least 2012.

And as Ive detailed before, Democrat weaponization of DOJ an FBI even further back than that :

Back at least to removing Alaska Senator Ted Stevens (ruining his candidacy, so he could be replaced by a Democrat senator). Stevens was torn down and slandered by a Democrat-weaponized FBI. And was later acquitted of any wrongdoing... AFTER the election, AFTER a Democrat had taken his Senate seat, that could not be given back. Steven was very popular, and without this (Democrat-weaponized deep state) FBI attack, he could never have been defeated.

And the witch hunt and malicious imprisonment of Scooter Libby, for an outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA agent, that Scooter Libby had nothing to do with, it was assistant secretary of state Richard Armitage who later admitted he accidentally outed her, and I think the FBI and DOJ Democrat-Bolsheviks who imprisoned Libby knew that all along, But imprisoned him anyway, just to advantage the Democrats in public voter opinion, and in the elections during that period.
These were early over-reaches of the Democrat-Bolshevik deep state. And the more they got away with, the bolder they got, in future elections.

Lois Lerner and the IRS harassment and crushing of the Tea Party in 2010-2012, rigging the 2012 election.
And needless to say, even bolder moves in 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022.

Particularly the CIA and FBI, these are people who have been rigging elections in foreign countries since the end of World War II, rigging elections to throw out foreign communist and otherwise anti-American governments, and replace them with cooperative U.S. allies. And the measures used to shape false narratives to indoctrinate populations in foreign nations, to rig elections in foreign nations, and to stage coups in foreign nations, THEY ARE NOW USING AGAINST THE UNITED STATES, to indoctrinate, rig elections, and stage coups against the American people.

And it's far from one "corner cutting bureaucrat". There are at least 20 within the top floor of the FBI building ALONE, who far from just "cutting corners", were trying to overthrow the 2016 election, and destroy President Trump and his administration. Tried to cripple and collapse Trump's presidential administration. Bankrupted Trump advisors with indictments and court prosecutions, who had to pay millions for their defense, and many who spent time in jail,. Allegations which their Democrat/deep-state accusers KNEW were innocent, but destroyed their lives anyway, just to win an election, so their side could "win". Schiff, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Obama, Biden, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith. They sat in on the plotting meetings, or led them. They openly said there "was no 'there' there. But for partisan reasons and Bolshevik hatred, they did it anyway, they really hurt these people, destroyed them.
Not "cutting corners".
For Bolshevik revolution. So their side could win.

And by "win", I mean use that power to destroy the country from within :
* Releasing tens of thousands of prisoners from jail, raising crime and murders at least 30% across every major American city. Wid spread public fear and chaos is part of the standard marxist revolution plan, used as cover to implement the most radical reforms that the public, able to calmly examine in the absence of a crisis situation, would never accept.
* Destroying energy independence that Trump created for the first time in 70 years, that has both vastly increased the price of gas, and of everything transported and purchased, from groceries to electronics and appliances, has (I think deliberately) caused massive inflation, jeopardized the nation by making us dependent on hostile nations for our oil, and ultimately jeopardized our national security.
* Smashed open our formerly secured southern border, and unleashed millions of illegal immigrants on the country, among them millions of criminals, drug traffickers, terrorists and foreign armies. Again, I think this is done deliberately, because they want this nation destroyed and overthrown.
* Poisoned the nation with "woke" ideology, to make a generation hate their country and not defend it. And particularly with woke indoctrination as well as Covid vaccine mandates, have deliberately weakened the military, and used those mandates to purge the military of many of its patriots, conservatives, independent thinkers, and replaced them with Democrat-Bolshevik deep state zealots, who will do do exactly what they are told. Up to and including fire on U.S. citizens. Likewise the DHS, and a now-armed IRS, soon to be expanded with 87,000 new armed recruits.

None of this is random. It is nothing less than a planned and orchestrated overthrow of the United States. And we have a Benedict Arnold manchurian candidate in the Oval Office, bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist party.
Biden is mostly just a figurehead.
Biden's puppetmasters who are really in charge are the true threat, an entire East Wing of Benedict Arnolds.

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Originally Posted by Fox News, March 15, 2019
Newly unsealed court filings show how the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and an associate shared with the FBI and a host of media outlets the unverified dossier that alleged the Russians had compromising information on now-President Trump.

McCain had denied being the source for BuzzFeed after it published the dossier, which was funded by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, but had acknowledged giving it to the FBI.

In a newly unsealed declaration from September, former senior counterintelligence FBI agent Bill Priestap confirmed that the FBI received a copy of the first 33 pages of the dossier in December 2016 from McCain.

In another filing, David Kramer -- a former State Department official and McCain associate -- said in a Dec. 13, 2017, deposition that the dossier was given to him by author and former British spy Christopher Steele, which he then provided to multiple journalists at outlets including CNN, BuzzFeed and The Washington Post. The details were first reported by The Daily Caller.

The report was also shared with State Department official Victoria Nuland, Obama National Security Council official Celeste Wallander and Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.

The filings were unsealed as part of a libel case against BuzzFeed by a Russian businessman.

In his deposition, Kramer said that McCain gave a copy of the dossier to then-FBI Director James Comey on Dec. 9. Kramer told investigators that it was the sense from Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson that “having Senator McCain provide it to the FBI would give it a little more oomph than it had had up until that point.”

“I think they felt a senior Republican was better to be the recipient of this rather than a Democrat because if it were a Democrat, I think that the view was that it would have been dismissed as a political attack,” he said.

Kramer also described how BuzzFeed News reporter Ken Bensinger came to get hold of the dossier, before the outlet became the first to publish it in its entirety.

He said that he showed Bensinger the dossier in December at the McCain Institute, but did not allow him to take pictures of it. But Kramer said he left Bensinger alone to read the memos and, in that time, Bensinger took photos of the dossier.

Kramer said he panicked when he saw that BuzzFeed News had published the document in its entirety online on Jan. 10, and immediately sought to have it taken down.

Furher proof of the corrupt establishment "Uni-Party" working from boh sides together against the interests of the American people.
And that McCain (among many establishment Republicans) was a de facto Democrat agent within the Republican party.

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It’s not a uni-party WB, we all belong to the same country with the same constitution that our elected officials take an oath to. I know you see things differently after Jan 6. That’s sad but no longer shocking.

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It’s not a uni-party WB, we all belong to the same country with the same constitution that our elected officials take an oath to. I know you see things differently after Jan 6. That’s sad but no longer shocking.

Except that your side are vicious Bolshevik corrupt bastards who rig elections :

Dan Rather and the fake letter from George W. Bush's commanding officer in 2004.

Democrats and the liberal media knowing about Rep. Mark Foley and his gay affaair witha congressional page, and holding onto it for a year, and then releasing it as a "October surprise" right before the 2006 election, with an orchesrated "Republicans culture of corruption" narrative.

Obama rigging the 2008 election by partnering with ACORN, and out-spending John McCain with dark money at a ratio of 4-o-1 in 2008.

Obama and he Democrat-Bolssheviks weaponizing he IRS against Tea Party and Religious conservative groups, and against large Republican donors in the 2012 election, and rigging votes with districts oddly voting 100% for Obama in 2012.

Obama, Biden, Comey, McCabe, and several dozen others in DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Department and other agencies again weaponized federal agencies in the 2016 and 2020 election.

And now further emboldened in 2023-2024, Democrats are again weaponizing DOJ and FBI to arrest and intimidate Trump and his supporters, arresting Jan 6th PEACEFUL protesters and jailing them indefinitely, JUST to prop up a fake "insurrection" narrative,
FBI spying on Catholic churches, not just one city, but cities nationwide, Arresting Trump 4 times in the last year, and similarly arresting or detaining other Trump cabinet members, Republican senators, Republican congressmen, arresting Trump attorneys.
The FBI retaliating against two whistleblowers in FBI and IRS.
FBI arresting PEACEFUL pro-life acivists,.

All in a show of pure Democrat-Bolshevik authoritarian intimidation. 20 straight years of election-rigging, FBI and IRS weaponization, and yes, Uni-Party Deep State orchestration of hese events. John McCain, Reinz Preibus, Adan Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Ronna Romney McDaniel, Mitt Romney, Justice John Roberts, and a number of so-called RINO "Republicans" in the intelligence field who signed the "Intelligence experts" Hunter Biden laptop letter, among others.

And then Democrats, even as THEY weaponize federal agencies against Trump and his supporters, push a weak narrative that IT IS TRUMP who will arrest his enemies and be an authoritarian if re-elected?!?

Oh yeah, that makes sense....

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