

I love how Musk is doing this in a steady drip of document dumps to multiple journalists. I think he's up to 6 releases now. Not all at once, so that it's over in one blast, and forgotten. But the multiple releases collectively reveall how massive, deliberate and malicious this actually is.

And he hasn''t even revealed all of what the FBI, DHS and CIA did in collaboration with Twitter !

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, for what the same intelligence agencies did in collaboration with Google, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and other tech and social media platforms in the 2020 election of Biden. AT LEAST since 2020, but on a less bold scale attempted in prior elections probably for at least the last 20 years, refining their authoritarian control.

The CIA and FBI have for decades developled techniques to rig elections and use psychological warfare to manipulate governments and topple regimes in nations throughout the world, to replace them with pro-America governments. Now that all these federal agencies have been fully politicized and taken over, purged and replaced by Democrat appointees since the Obama years and forward, they are unleashing the same tactics here in the U.S., to create a permanent authoritarian Democrat-Bolshevik one-party system.