
I didn't see the exact questions listed here that Hannity was asked, or listed here his exact answers in deposition. All I see in this hit piece (PEOPLE magazine, liberal media), the allegation that Hannity doesn't believe the evidence of election fraud. That would be in contradiction of what I've seen Hannity say on air regularly, and I don't buy the allegation about Hannity saying this.

There absolutely is evidence of fraudulent mail-in ballots (from Democrats), tens of thousands of dead people voting in every state (as Democrats), people coming in from out of state and voting illegally (as Democrats), people registered as fake voters with unverifiable fraudulent addresses (all voting Democrat), and dozens of other ways.
And six battleground states where Trump was ahead until about 3AM, and then suddenly when the Republican vote observers were tricked into going home, and there were only Democrats counting votes, there was a sudden mysterious surge of Biden votes from 3AM onward, suddenly 96% to 100% for Biden. And piles of votes arriving in trucks in Detroit (captured on video) and in Atlanta (captured on video), where a surge in Biden votes coincided with these deceptions.

Specifically related to Dominion Voting Systems machines, despite Democrat assurances that Dominion machines are secure, I've watched CNN news reports from 2019 (re-broadcast by OAN in 2021) , showing where CNN reporters rented a convention room and invited dozens of hackers to break into and manipulate Dominion machines, and ALL of them could hack the Dominion machines in less than an hour.
The machines are not reliable or safe from election fraud. PERIOD. That is proven and reported, even by CNN.

In testimony I've posted in other topics, former U.S. Army Col. Phil Waldron gave testimony in multiple state House and Senate hearings in the two months after the Nov 2020 election, saying he was contracted by the state of Texas to evaluate whether Dominion Voting Systems machines were safe in elections. Upon investigating, Waldron was deeply alarmed when he evaluated Dominion machines, and recommended that Texas not use them, which Texas did not.
Col. Waldron further warned other states who ignored his warnings, and also reported his findings to the FBI, DHS, and the Federal Elections Commission, all of which he said ignored his warnings, and seemed to actually want to allow a fraudulent election to occur !

Other white-collar-crime cyber-security experts also testified to similar findings in the months after the elections, and that their similar warnings went unheeded by Federal and state agencies.

Further --as I've cited repeatedly-- DEMOCRAT senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden, along with a Democrat house member, all wrote an open letter to the Senate saying in 2019 that Dominion Voting Systems machines were not safe, and were a threat to free and fair elections.
Two of those three were Democrat presidential candidates. Are >>>THEY<<< tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorists?!?

So the concerns of election hacking and questionable election integrity are absolutely not limited to Trump supporters.
Polls I've previously cited show that across the board, 51% of all voters say they think the election was fraudulent, roughly 80% of Republicans, roughly 50% of Independent voters, and almost 30% of even Democrats.

Further, multiple experts have said that despite allegations that Dominion machines are safe and secure and cannot be remotely hacked, these machines have a built-in modem, that ABSOLUTELY CAN be hacked, from anywhere in the U.S., and anywhere in the world.

FACT. Absolute fact.
Confirmed by multiple news agencies, House and Senate members of both parties, and by a number of tech security experts.

Facts I've cited and sourced in any number of other topics here over the last 2 years.

"Imploding MAGA World turns to Civil War Fantasies" topic, among many other spin-off topics