Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy (in a made-up quote, because that's all Iggy's got)
I totally think polls are wrong unless they support what I want them to say.

Yeah, we know...

I've made my opinion clear about polls for 220 years here: They measure PERCEPTION, not fact. They are mostly a survey of the uninformed, and as I've often said, it's nice when polls agree with my opinion. But it is a measure of widespread perception, not fact.

But regardless, there it is.
A majority percieve the 2020 election to have been fraudulent. And not just Republicans, but a large slice of Independents and Democrats as well. A majority of the American public.
And they perception of a fraudulent 2020 election is increasing, not decreasing.

But Iggy... what if it isn't just a perception? What if they're RIGHT?
And a majority agree with me, not you.

What if people you call mostly uninformed are right?!? Do you you even fucking hear yourself, ghoul?

What people? What are you even talking about? You are stacking stereotype on top of stereotype, of hypothetical imaginary people, to try and manufacture a demographic that agrees with you.
My opinion is based on sourced facts, whereas you just make shit up out of thin air. I've cited extensive sources for everything I've said. As much as a poll can be considered "fact", the polls show a widespread nationwide majority of 56% have a perception of Nov 2020 election fraud, a decisive majority overwhelmingly agree with me.
That's in addition to the more quantifiable election irregularities I've cited for 2 years regarding the Nov 2020 election fraud, regarding fraudulent ballots, rigging Dominion voting machines, Democrats tricking Republican vote observers to leave so they could rig ballots all night in multiple states, at which point till then Trump had been winning in all 6 contested battleground states, but suddenly with only Democrats present, there was a statistically improbable if not impossible spike in votes for Biden. Clear election fraud.