Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I called polls a survey of the uninformed then said what if the people I just called mostly uninformed were right. This stupidity embarrassed me so I, too, will play the illiterate rube and claim that plain English is incoherent.

Originally Posted by Iggy
I have no factual or logical response, so I'll just make shit up, and pretend like WB said it !

Yes, yes, that much is obvious.

I said that whether I agree with polls or not they are quite often a survey of the uninformed. And that they are largely a survey of PERCEPTION rather than fact. That's wherher I agree with polls or not. And in this case, the poll agrees with me. The percepttion is, overwhelmingly, that the 2020 election was rigged. Not just Trump supporters, not just Republicans or conservatives, or "rubes" (which in Planet-Iggy-speak is basically anyone he doesn't like, or who he wants to stereotype as stupid, despite that these allegedly stupid people can out-debate him).
No, it ALSO includes a huge slice of Independents and Democrats who perceive the election as rigged. NOT just Trump supporters.

So, dipshit, you can't spin it as just Trump supporters or Republicans who think the election was rigged, because it clearly includes a lot of others across the center and Democrat/Left who see it that way. And again, a majority. So you can't dismissively portray it as a fringe, it clearly crosses the mainstream, the majority. And when the view that the 2020 election was rigged has become a solid majority, you have to consider that they're right. And that you the unhinged guy with a lot of weird ideas, might actually be wrong.