Democrats Flip Flop On Election Security, Warned Of Vulnerable Voting Systems Before 2020 Elections

OAN Newsroom
Friday, July 23, 2021

Since the November elections, Democrats and the mainstream media have been bashing President Trump and anyone else who claims there are questions about our election integrity. However, it wasn’t long ago that Democrats themselves were raising these very same concerns. One America’s Pearson Sharp explains.


Sen Ron Wyden (D-OR),
Sen.Amy Klobuchar (D-MN),
Sen Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren(D-MA)

Two of the three 2020 presidential candidates, who were vocally sounding the warning about Dominion voting machines putting elections at risk and easily hackable. CNN, New York Times and Washington Post also sounding the warning, from 2017-2020).
But when Democrat candidate Joe Biden wins by illicit means, with no demographic explanation for Biden's election victory, and irregularities up the wazoo... never mind, nothing to see here, our guy won. Not the Democrat party, not the New York Times, not CNN, will acknowledge THEIR OWN WARNINGS !