Originally Posted by iggy
Could just say you're an unrepentant racist and move on, Cultist Turd.

The exploitation of race and racial segregation, and stoking racial hatred, is all on the Democrat side, as any number of historians, black leaders and conservatives have pointed out, for the last 50 years.

" I'll have niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years"
--The enlightened friend of black America, President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964, boasting to aides about his cynical motive for pushing through passage of civil rights legislation, for purposes other than benefit to black America. As argued by many, this legislation actually hurt black America, and kept them on the "Democrat plantation" loyally voting 90% Democrat for the last 55 years, despite that it was Democrats in all those decades who exploited and kept them in poverty.

Candace Owens, on the modern Democrat Plantation.

Candace Owens, answering Democrat race-baiting in House hearings