
Kennedy gives opening statement in Judiciary hearing on SCOTUS ethics

From 3 days ago, Sen. John Kennedy cites the Chuck Schumer-led threats to conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Amy Coney-Barrett, Clarence Thomas and others past and present, resulting in ever bolder slanderous attacks, bolder attempts to intimidate and invade the privacy of justices and threaten their families, and even an armed gunman with zip-ties with clearly stated intent to kill the first of three conservative justices. All directly traced to rhetoric of Sen Chuck Schumer and other Democrat-Bolsheviks, who daily pour kerosine on the fire, and then act shocked --SHOCKED-- that the fire built to an explosion.

While Sen. Kennedy cites Democrat slander-attacks and violent rhetoric dating back to the Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas nomination hearings, and other nominations Democrats successfully destroyed.
Sen. Kennedy's comments are clearly sparked by the attacks over the last few weeks against Clarence Thomas, for his having a rich conservative friend whose house Thomas stayed overnight in, and who (gasp, choke !) paid a year's tuition for a boy Clarence Thomas had befriended when the boy's family suffered hardship. But none of whom were related to any case, none of whom were beneficiaries of any case, that Clarence Thomas ruled on as a court justice. And therefore no quid pro quo, no conflict of interest. Just Democrat slander.

As contrasted with justices like Sonia Sotomayor, or Elena Kagan, or Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who have manifested a clear conflict of interest and personal bias on cases they ruled on. Ginsberg conducted a gay wedding ceremony several weeks before making a national 50-state ruling in favor of gay marriage!

As always with the Democrat/Left, they slanderously attack conservative justices who are guilty of nothing, and then give a free pass to liberal justices who arguably have far more egregious conflicts of interest. The U.S. Supreme Court is the only branch of government at present that remains within the Constitutional rule of law, protected from Democrat-Bolshevik corruption. And Democrats desperately want to seize it, either by
1) slander of the Court's integrity,
2) by expanding the number off justices and stacking it with Democrat-Bolshevik idealogues like Sotomayor, or Kitanji Brown Jackson (who can't even answer what a woman is !),
3) by (Sen. Chuck Schumer-style) intimidation and/or violence against conservative judges,
4) by stoking outright killing of conservative justices.

This is your Democrat-Bolshevik party at work. Whatever serves the revolution.
"Left of Lenin Democrats" indeed.