Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
AGAIN: It has been PROVEN that the FBI had Hunter Biden's laptop since Dec 2019, and verified the information on it by Feb or March 2020 at the latest (as sourced and reported by John Solomon, JustTheNews). So all the 51 intelligence officials who alleged the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformaton" are the liars, the election WAS rigged, irregardless of Fox's settlement with Dominion (a case they could have eventually won, but chose to settle).

AGAIN: It has ALSO been proven that the "Russia Dossier" during the 2016 election was false, that the only Russia collusion was by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, who paid millions to Russian agents for the disinformation in it to slander Trump, that even James Comey to Donald Trump on Jan 5 2017 said the Russia Dossier is "salacious and unverifiable". Another Democrat attempt to rig the 2016 election, just as they did in the 2020 and 2022 elections.

AGAIN: It is ALSO proven that the fraudulent Russia Dossier was used to file **FOUR** illegal FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page's phone and online communications, and by FBI surveillance authorized by that, being able to go "two contacts deep" on two layers of everyone Carter Page communicated with, and everyone in the second layer of contactswith him communicated with, to SPY ON THE ENTIRE TRUMP CAMPAIGN for 6 months up through the 2016 election. And then another 6 months of FBI/FISA surveillance on the inaugurated TRUMP ADMINISTRATION IN THE WHITE HOUSE !
Further, FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith was convicted of falsifying evidence about Carter Page (Page had been cooperating and sharing information for years with the CIA about the Russians, but Clinesmith changed a CIA document, to make the document say the exact opposite, in a falsified letter alleging that Carter Page had NOT cooperated and shared information with the CIA, when in the original unaltered letter it said Carter Page *DID* cooperate and stare information with the CIA, and therefore was a proven patriot and not a Russian collaborator. ) The Clinesmith-altered document was submitted to a FISA judge, to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page, and through him to surveil the entire Trump campaign (6 months) and the Trump presidency (a second 6 months of FISA surveillance by the FBI). All of which was done by submitting false evidence for the FISA warrant to a FISA court judge. In an FBI Democrat-Bolshevik attempt to rig the 2016 election.

AGAIN: It is ALSO proven via the "Twitter Files" that Elon Musk and several journalists exposed, that FBI and other intelligence agencies KNEW the Hunter Biden laptop information was absolutely true (knew from Dec 2019 right up though the Nov 2020 election) , but used their power as Democrat-Bolsheviks to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop information that proved the Bidens were treasonously receiving millions of dollars for years from Russia, from Ukraine, from China, to compromise national security of the United States.
Former FBI executive James Baker (in Oct-Nov 2020 an executive for Twitter, but still a Democrat-Bolshevik spy in that position for the FBI) used his position to silence and suppress information from the New York Post that in every poll says 15% of Democrats, if they knew then what they know now, would **NOT** have voted in Nov 2020 for Joe Biden.

And just in the last few days...

Morrell and Blinken are PROVEN, by Morrell's own admission, to have rigged the election. Just because the minor part where Dominion Voting Systems has managed to intimidate witnesses and prevent evidence from that portion of the 2020 election rigging from being fully proven, does NOT prove that the election wasn't rigged. Quite the contrary, there is abundant evidence it WAS rigged, on multiple fronts.

Despite the unhinged Democrat/leftist hatred of Iggy and millions of other Democrats who try to brainwash themselves otherwise.
The facts are right there in your face.
Period. The End.

So... all the stuff that was dismissed as wild "conspiracy theory", has been proven to be conspiracy FACT, with the evidence reported for all to see.

1) FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop was NOT "Russian disinformation" (a laptop with e-mail conversations and evidence of Joe Biden and the entire Biden family having received millions in treasonous payments to sell out the United States, at present proven to have been at least 43 million dollars in payments from China, Russia, Ukraine, Rumania and other nations. Democrat-Bolsheviks in the FBI and DOJ buried the evidence that a Manchurian candidate Biden was guilty of treason, hid the evidence so he could win a rigged 2020 election.

2) Former FBI, CIA and NSA officials, who had moved on to executive positions at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms, did the bidding of these federal agencies and their Democrat-Bolshevik masters, in suppressing social media discussion of the Hunter Biden laptop evidence, presented by the New York Post and other conservative media, from being spread and shared and discussed on social media, by falsely labelling it "Russian disinformation", information they knew to be true and accurate.
Just so a corrupt Democrat could replace Trump and become president.

3) Mike Morell and Anthony Blinkin conspired and led the plot to have 51 intelligence officials sign a false letter that further labelled the Hunter Biden laptop story as "Russian disinformation", that suppressed 15% of voters in 2020, who say if they knew about the evidence of the Hunter Biden laptop evidence, they would not have voted for Biden. And Trump would still be president.

Which is all clear authoritarian / Deep State abuse of federal power, that ALONE abundantly proves the 2020 election was rigged.

That's not even getting into the already abundantly discussed evidence of "multiple streams of election fraud" by Democrats in every battleground state in 2020.
Boxes of fake votes (ON VIDEO SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS) pulled out from under tables in Atlanta, and counted all night, AFTER the Republican vote observers were tricked into going home with a lie about a water main breaking, and onlt Democrats were present. And a security camera to catch it.

Votes counted ( on Security video, showing a Ryder truck pulling up to the Detroit vote counting center), again after Republican vote observers were tricked into going home, and Democrats brought in a massive truckload of secret bags of fraudulent ballots, and counted fake votes all night long.

Similarly in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona vote counting centers, Democrats used Covid rules to push Republican observers out of the counting room, so they could rack up illegal fake votes for Biden, and manufacture a narrow "victory" for Biden in each of these states. All after 3AM, all after Republican vote observers were deceitfully pushed out. In each of these states, Donald Trump was winning the election up until 3AM, at which point Democrats crawled out of their dark holes and rigged the election.

And of course, Eric Coomer, vice president of security for Dominion Voting Systems: "Trump isn't going to win, I made fucking sure of that." Said on a zoom call with his Antifa brethren. Observed by an investigator who managed to infiltrate the Antifa zoom call.

Every employee of Dominion on their social media accounts identified as far left, supporters of Antifa (including Coomer himself !), and/or the Clinton Foundation, that they scrubbed evidence of from their personal social media pages AFTER thee 2020 election.
And by the oddest coincidence, Dominion shared office space with Soros-funded groups.
Multiple states, including Michigan, Vermont, Montana and Arizona all did investigations of Dominion voting machines, and found they were compromised and rigged.

Col. Phil Waldron and other cyber-security experts were contracted to investigate by the state of Texas, to determine whether Dominion machines were safe to use in Texas election. But when they each investigated, they were alarmed at how easy to hack and rig they were, and Texas followed their advice and did not use them.

All evidence that has come to light.
It can no longer be dismissed as MAGA fantasy. Beyond question, the 2020 election was rigged.