
Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) cites loathesome history of "neutral" judge nominee - May 17 2023

Judge Wolf's history of partisanly seeking the personal destruction of Clarence Thomas for more than a decade, and openly promoting slander of the reputation of the U S Supreme Court itself as an institution, "to advance the cause of the liberal progressive movement".

But Senate Democrats offer him as a superior court nominee, who will "faithfully and impartially" execute the law.
Who is more dangerous to our Constitutional republic, this judge, or the Democrat-Bolsheviks who submitted him as a nominee? That's a tough call.

Not to mention Democrat-endorsed protests outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, "liberal progressive " Democrat protesters in clear violation of federal law, who should be arrested and jailed for intimidating justices to make them change their legal decisions. House and Senate Democrats do not condemn this, so House and Senate Democrat leaders clearly endorse this lawless intimidation. And the likes of Senator Chuck Schumer, and Democrat-Bolshevik Reps Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Onar, and Maxine Waters have openly stoked violence against all 6 conservative justices, against Trump administration officials, against Trump supporters, against Border Patrol and ICE, who they in no uncertain words in their public statements compare to KKK and Nazis. Which has resulted in many clearly attributable attacks, on justice Brett Kavenaugh, and on the others targeted by these Democrat leaders' rhetoric. Terror, arson, murder. Whatever serves the revoltion.