Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
In the gay community when a friend buys and pay bills like has been done for Clarence Thomas that is called having a sugar daddy. Why would it be evil exposing what has been gifted to Thomas by his friend? Simple answer, it isn’t.

What is evil is Democrats' slandering of Clarence Thomas, or other conservatives, to imply they were doing something illegal, when in fact Clarence Thomas did nothing illegal or unlawful.

The wealthy friend whose home Clarence Thomas stayed in for a weekend was just a friend who happened to be wealthy. There are no cases or legislation that Thomas or the U S Supreme Court are reviewing that are in any way related to Thomas' wealthy friend. It's pure slander to imply without evidence of anything that there was some kind of corrupt quid pro quo or "sugar daddy" relationship involving Thomas.

As I said very clearly, this is a clear attempt by the Democrat/Left to slander Thomas any way they can, and to slander and undermine confidence in the entire U S Supreme Court as an institution, to maliciously slander as corrupt a huge part of our Constitutional government and legal system, just because THEY, THE DEMOCRATS, can't corrupt it or control it. They intimidate and threaten justices by keeping loud vigils outside their homes, 24/7.
The Dem/Left threaten justices' children.
They encourage death threats against conservative justices, and these intimidations and threats are ONLY directed at conservative justices, by the organized Democrat/Left.
The Democrat/Left want to expand and stack the Court with liberal justices, so they can assure it becomes just a rubber stamp for the Democrat-Bolshevik destruction of our Constitutional government.

So... the slandering of Clarence Thomas is just the tip of the iceberg, of a far larger infrastructure of anti-American Democrat-orchestrated evil.