Boebert posted on Twitter about the proposed negotiated settlement in the last 24 hours, to pass a budget that prevents a shutdown or default of the federal government. A deal that Democrats and the establishment Republicans are cheering about, but a deal that doesn't make near enough cuts in spending to make any difference.

Lauren Boebert
The usual establishment people are popping champagne over this debt ceiling deal.

It's more worthy of a Bud Light.
4:19 PM · May 28, 2023

A number of other fiscally conservative and non-establishment Republicans have made similar comments, such as Rep. Chip Roy of Texas.

And they're right. It's criminal that our government taxes about 2.6 trillion in revenue annually, but spends about 3.7 trillion a year, thus adding over 1 trillion a year to the cumulative national debt.
And this is a trend that has been increasing and accelerating through the Bush Sr., Clinton, W.Bush, Obama, and Trump presidencies.
And never more so than the over 7 trillion in new spending by Joe Biden.

At some point, this crack-addict-level spending will, in the near future, destroy the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency, collapse the U.S.dollar domestically, and collapse our entire economy, quite possibly all at once, or in rapid succession. If spending is not more seriously reigned in.