Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I stopped taking republicans seriously on spending decades ago. Every time they’re in power spending goes up plus more tax breaks for the super wealthy. Defunding the IRS to help tax cheats isn’t being fiscally sound either. Biden did a good job here and I’ll even give McCarthy props for keeping the wackos from blowing a deal up and causing an economic disaster. No taking the economy hostage till after the next presidential election ????

The problem with the Republicans is that a percentage of them always cross over and vote with the Democrats for irresponsible deficit spending. My jaw was on the floor when the recent Biden "Inflation Reduction Act" and " Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023" were for months stated by Republicans to be "dead on arrival" and impossible to pass, and then at the last minute Republicans (and Democrat Senator Joe Manchin) crossed over at the last minute and allowed, in both cases, almost $ 2 trillion in new spending to pass., each time.

I can only guess that they are either corrupt and somehow being paid off by corporate kickbacks (see Rahm Emmanuel, the Clintons, the Obamas, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, John Kerry and his step son, and the entire Biden family, for prime examples of those kickbacks.

See also the Bill Clinton-era "Filegate" scandal, and the abuses of the IRS and FBI under the Obama, Trump (even under Trump, "Vive le resistance!" by the 97% Democrat-donating FBI, DOJ, IRS and State Department bureucrats) and Biden presidencies for how Republicans could be intimidated or extorted into submission.

Or the 24-hour protests outside the homes of conservative U S Supreme Court justices (only conservatives, never liberal ones!)
And the attempt on the life of Brett Kavanaugh.
And the firebombings and violent attacks on multiple Republican members and cadidates of the U.S. House and Senate.
And intimidation of parents who just protest "woke" indoctrination of their children in local schools, who are labelled as "terrorists" and prosecuted by DOJ and FBI (specifically at the order of Joe Biden and his puppetmaster bolsheviks in the White House. Which they lied and tried to distance themselves from, but was still proven.

And likewise, arrest of peaceful Christian pro-life activist protesters, further weaponization of DOJ and FBI. To again intimidate and silence conservative grassroots protesters.

All that aside, I find it rather odd that with Democrats controlling all 3 branches of government for most of the last 2 and 1/2 years, you choose now to rail about Republican fiscal irresponsibility. Where even now, after Republicans now control the House by a narrow 5-seat majority, they really don't have the leverage to change anything.
And the Democrats have been taking in $2.6 trillion a year in tax revenue every year, and been spending almost 7 trillion a year, since Biden was inaugurated.

That's rather distorted logic, to blame Republicans, when DEMOCRATS control all the reigns of power. I'm not wild about McCarthy's deal with the Democrats, that gives an unhesitant green light to another 4 trillion in federal spending over the next 2 years. But clearly, McCarthy narrowly controls only the House, doesn't control the Senate, or the Presidency, and therefore has no leverage to cut a better debt ceiling deal.
But yeah, it's Republicans' fault. rolleyes