Another treasonous example that occurs to me is during the post-1984 election period, where Reagan was negotiating a reduction of nuclear arms, and tensions, with the Soviet Union.

Ted Kennedy and the Democrats met secretly with the Russians, and encouraged them not to negotiate an agreement with the Reagan administration, that Democrats would give them a better deal later. Which endangered every American, and every human on the planet, just so Democrats in their mind could leverage some kind of short-term political advantage. To the detriment and destruction of the nation.

At every turn over decades, Democrats in political leadership position cynically think of only of how to leverage political power by the most vicious tactics available to them, NOT of the best interests of the American people. Whether they people in question are Democrat supporters who are white middle class, laborer working class, black, hispanic, gay, legal immigrants, illegal immigrants, whatever, Democrats look at them as disposable cannon fodder. Who will mindlessly vote Democrat NO MATTER WHAT the Democrat-Bolsheviks in power do.

It is an absolute fact that all these groups were better off under a Trump presidency than under any other presidency in 50 years, Democrat or Republican.
That is an absolute quantifiable fact. Lower unemployment, return of the industrial base to the United States that was previously offshored to southeast Asia (a feat Obama said Trump would have to "wave a magic wand to accomplish, but Trump did it), the highest ratio of home-ownership for blacks ever recorded, the lowest unemployment for blacks, hispanics, women and people under 25 ever recorded, re-built our military, re-negotiated trade agreements worldwide with virtually all our trading partners in the U.S. favor, secured the U.S. southern border and virtually stopped illegal immigration for the first time in over 40 years, vastly lowered the price of gas, and made the U.S. oil-independent and a net exporter of oil and natural gas for the first time in 71 years.
All of which Joe Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks were quick to destroy the moment they seized power in Jan 2021.

AGAIN: The ultimate goal of the Democrats, which many say openly, is to utterly destroy the Republican party ("to destroy it so completely it can never come back" --Jennifer Rubin, N Y Times) . To establish a Marxist/Socialist one-party system, to unleash authoritarian power over every aspect of Americans' lives, because y'know, our Constitutional republic is built on racist atrocities and inherently evil, so the sooner we abolish it and replace it with a Marxist/Socialist system the better, because it has no right to exist ( --Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren, on and on, pretty much the entire top shelf of the Democrat-Bolshevik party. )

They want to take away the children of Republican conservatives and have them raised by HHS appointed foster parents.
( --one of PBS's lead attorneys, who PBS initially tried to say was "misrepresented" by his video-recorded Project Veritas -interviewed remarks. And when that was blatantly untrue and didn't work, they reluctantly fired the attorney and gave lip service to not endording his ideology, despite that they did. )

Multiple other gay /trans / satanist / ultra-leftist Democrats (as revealed in their own publicly posted video statements, collected by the "libs of Tik-Tok"website, similarly expressed the idea that "We will take away your children" hijack them out from under you, indoctrinate them in your schools, and brainwash them to reject your ideology and turn on you.

Former Bill Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich, publicly stated that former Trump administration officials should be forced to confess their crimes in televised show trials along the lines of those that occurred in the Soviet Union and in Communist China. Which again underscores the hate and fanaticism of the Democrat-Left, and their allegiance to authoritarian communist ideas, as are virtually everyone who worked in the Bill Clinton administration, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton's state department and the Clinton Foundation, or the current Biden administration,
ALL SHARE a worship of Communist/Leftist radicals like the Soviet Union, Communist China, Castro's Cuba, Hugo Chavez's Venezuela, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the genocidal Che Gueverra, domestic radical Saul Alinsky (who both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama openly worshipped and proselytized their ideology to others. )

These are the regimes and genocidal people these Democrat leaders admire and emulate. How can you, M E M, or any other Democrat deny that the genocidal Marxist fanaticism they worship is EXACTLY what they plan to replace our Constitutional republic with?
Many Democrats and grassroots leftists have said exactly this, in their own videotaped and written words.

Which by the way, perfectly duplicates the talking points of the Chinese Communist government, and the Russian government, in the ideological disinformation they spread in the United States and Europe, to try to undermine and overthrow our Western governments.

The talking points YOUR SIDE, the Democrat-Bolsheviks, eagerly buy into and spread. Since the Vietnam war era, these hostile foreign governments have even secretly funded these Marxist front groups, such as the Black Panthers, the Students for a Democratic Society (of which the Obamas and the Clintons were active members) , and more recently Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the Open Borders movements.
So un-American, they are funded by hostile foreign governments.

The violent insurrectionists who burn cities and tear down national monuments, that the Democrat party doesn't criticize and openly ENDORSES. ( --A O-C again, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS, on and on, not one Democrat condemns these attacks on our country.)

NANCY PELOSI: "I don't care about statues..."

KAMALA HARRIS (on Antifa and BLM burning cities and looting 600 cities) : "They're going to keep up the pressure right until election day. They're not going to stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop..."
Kamala Harris also paid to a fund to bail out violent BLM/Antifa rioters, so they could quickly get out of jail and do even more damage.

And still you support them, and try to label the Republican-conservative and Trump people who would stop them, as if THEY are the ones who are evil and corrupt.

wall wall wall wall wall wall wall wall

How can I make you see the obvious, and make you reject the Bolshevik fanatics you so loyally support?