Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Again not seeing an actual defense for what Trump is being charged with. You know in the courtroom that is what Trump will have to actually present. And I don’t honestly see how he does it looking at the indictment. But out of curiosity do you still feel Clinton should have been locked up? Did it bother you when Trump joined in with the chants? Or when he tried to get the DOJ to help him overturn the election after he lost?

I think Hillary Clinton is absolutely guilty of financing the "Russia Dossier" (which is to say, her campaign giving millions of dollars directly to Russian intelligence agents, EXACTLY the "Russia collusion" her campaign falsely accused Donald Trump and agents of his campaign and administration of being involved in.

In retrospect, it may have been wise of Trump (in 2017-2020 as president) not to have ordered his A.G. and DOJ to investigate Hillary. But certainly, Trump should have ordered a bipartisan independent special investigation into the Russia Dossier and election interference.

And with it investigate the DNC's part in funding the Russia Dossier, investigate the Obama administration's knowledge and participation (particularly the 7 who participated in an Oval Office meeting of Obama himself, then-V.P. Biden, Clapper, Comey, and the others, who plotted to set up and destroy Michael Flynn), and in the plot to frame Trump and others in his administration and top officials of the FBI, DOJ and CIA for "Russia collusion".

And to investigate Rep. Peter Schiff, and other Democrats in the House and Senate, for deliberately manipulating and selectively releasing documents, to knowingly create an APPEARANCE of guilt by Trump, to FALSELY scandalize and cripple his presidency, while these Democrat leaders ABSOLUTELY knew the evidence proved Trump and his staff innocent, way before those closed-hearing transcripts were finally released, first by DNI Richard Grenell, and then more completely by successor DNI John Ratcliffe.
Released transcripts that absolutely and unquestionably proved Trump's innocence
And absolutely proved the lies in the comments and testimony of Adam Schiff, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, and others, who all in CNN and MSNBC interviews said evidence showed Trump's guilt, but in closed hearing House testimony UNDER OATH said THE EXACT OPPOSITE, THAT THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OF TRUMP BEING GUILTY OF ANYTHING.
Period. The end.

That certainly warrants investigation and punishment. But in a way that is fully bipartisan and above board. My concern is, at this point the statute of limitations on many of these crimes has, or soon will, expire. And what Biden's A G Merrick Garland, his appointed hyper-partisan Democrat special prosecutor Jack Smith in the Trump case (who already has a history in the conviction of Republican governor Bob McDonnell overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in an 8-0 ruling (1 justice recused) for its malicious prosecution and witholding of exculpatory evidence), and the other deep-state loyal Democrat-appointed special investigator of Biden's illegally held classified records case , Robert Hur, which guarantees that Biden's vast possession of illegal records will be swept under the rug and forgotten.
Even as Trump is maliciously prosecuted on manufactured charges.

As usual, everything Democrats accuse Trump and the Republicans of (treason, partisanship, the weaponization of government, malicious prosecution) is exactly, EXACTLY what the Democrats are guilty of.