Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Btw regarding your earlier post above that, unlike the others Trump fought the attempts to the documents. We know this because it was reported on as it happened. This wasn’t something that was sprung on him out of nowhere. Furthermore according to the indictment he lied and had documents moved in an effort to keep them. Some of his ex lawyers are witnesses. Do you understand why?

As I said, Trump was in contact with the FBI and NARA records people every day by phone or in person. And by all accounts, it was a very friendly relationship on both sides. Trump complied with every request.
AT ANY TIME they could have come to Mar A Lago and taken the records, no arrest warrants, no raids, no indictments .
And in the cases of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Mike Pence and Joe Biden, there were far more egregious violations where the FBI **DID NOT** make raids or file indictments, and that clearly proves the bias against Trump by the 97% Democrat-donating DOJ and FBI made up of Peter Strzoks, Lisa Pages, Andrew McCabes, Bill Priestaps, James Bakers, James Comeys, and Kevin Clinesmiths.
In the case of each of these Democrats and Republicans with top secret records, there was far greater justification for raids, indictments, and prosecution.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, looking at the internal FBI text messages, the FBI and DOJ's 97% ratio of donating Democrat, their history of rigging cases against Republicans and scuttling cases against Democrats like Hillary Clinton or Lois Lerner, that you will EVER convince me this isn't evidence of blatant and overwhelming partisan FBI bias.
[Linked Image from rushlimbaugh.com]

( FBI lawyers in group text, immediately after Trump elected in Nov 2016 : )
[Linked Image from pbs.twimg.com]
[Linked Image from cdn.patriotssoapbox.com]
And the next generation of Democrat/Deep State Bolsheviks, under A.G. Merrick Garland and FBI director Christopher Wray, who share the same rabid Democrat-zealot bias.

There it is, plain as day, so obvious, and you insultingly pretend that bias doesn't clearly exist. As if they are being fair to Trump. In the Manhattan case, in the Mar A Lago case, in the Atlanta Raffensperger phone call case, in each case DOJ and FBI, state attorney generals, district attorneys, and U.S. attorneys, Democrat-Bolshevik lawyers all, have to re-write the law, make up new conflations, federalize local cases that are not their jurisdiction, as has never been done before, to MAKE UP ways to indict Trump.

And they know it will not be successful, that these cases will be thrown out in court or at worst reversed on appeal. But they are gambling that the scandal will shave off just a few percentage points of Trump's 2024 election support, and they will say ANYTHING, do ANYTHING, break any laws and legal ethics, to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

That is what this is all about.

And the FBI and other federal agencies are really getting ugly now, because if Trump is re-elected with the greater knowledge that he didn't have 4 years ago of what they've been doing (FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, leadership of the Obama and Biden administrations, Hillary Clinton and all her aides) under a new Trump presidency this will all be exposed and prosecuted, and their Deep State /Democrat Bolshevik power will be gone.
And they will not only lose power, but for the first time in their lives face prosecution for the incredible hubris with which they have abused power, for at least 25 years.