Originally Posted by iggy
I'm sure a look through the wayback machine will show you shitting on Turley during the Bush/Obama eras, but--here you are--sucking him off in the present because he now says what you want to hear. You're in a cult.

I'll bet your mom used to wash your mouth out with soap a lot.
What a vulgar, unpleasant person you are. Your parents must be so proud. rolleyes

Actually, Whomod and a few others used to quote Turley and Dershowitz in Iraq war topics, citing the Patriot Act, and aspects of the Iraq War such as waterboarding prisoners, or indefinite incarceration in Guantanamo Bay as unconstitutional.
On the Patriot Act, I agreed, that it was an unnecessary new set of laws, that the existing laws if they were enforced should have been enough, that the Patriot Act was unneccesary.
I don't recall ever attacking either of Dershowitz or Turley, even though I disagreed with some of their views. They were, regardless of my disagreement, among the most respected constitution and legal scholars in the country.

But it is nice that they see things my way on the Trump issues, and on abuse of federal agencies to target Trump and Republicans.