Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
And are they really on the same page as you WB? Most legal experts I’ve read including the ones that conservatives favor seem to agree Trump is in trouble on this indictment. Even if he was targeted as you allege that still doesn’t make the crime go away plus the lying and obstruction to the investigators. A long time ago it would have surprised me that the supposed party of law and order would be okay with that but yeah I get it that loyalty to Trump above all else reigns supreme but outside in the real world in a court room that being above the law entitlement isn’t an actual legal defense.

In the examples of the two most prominent legal experts I often quote, Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, they say the charges against Trump are frivolous and will eventually be removed by appeal, or the charges dismissed long before they ever get to that stage.
That the only reason they exist is to shave off a few percentage points of Trump's support in the court of public opinion.
But that they are frivolous and have absolutely no basis in ACTUAL court.

And the ones saying otherwise are Democrat partisans, who are the same people who for the last 7 years, with EVERY NEW HALF-BAKED ALLEGATION, each time in wishful thinking say "This is the smoking gun that will destroy Trump's presidency". And usually within days, each new narrative is proven false, and on a number of occasions, news reporters and producers, or FBI agents, are either fired or quietly resign.

As I point out over and over, these are not actual charges against Trump, they are political contrivances DISGUISED as law, manufacturing wild new interpretations of the law to even charge Trump with anything. And if you and the Democrat-Bolsheviks had any sense of conscience or shame, you would be deeply alarmed by the authoritarian weaponized abuse of power, directed not only at Trump, at his advisors, but also at the American people. Because if they ever succeed in destroying and/or imprisoning Trump, they will be using those same abuses of power to come after every one of us, INCLUDING every Democrat who isn't on ever ideologicl point their particular brand of Democrat-Bolshevik.

Just ask Tulsi Gabbard, Kirstyn Sinema and Joe Manchin, and RFK Jr., Elon Musk, and other formerly exalted Democrat loyalists to the parfty for decades such as Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley. When they publicly disagreed with the Democrat-Bolshevik party line on one issue, Democrats wanted to take away their law degrees and their chair positions at universities! Wanted to criminally charge them.
THAT is how evil and fanatical the Democrat-Bolsheviks are.
Any Democrat who is a legal scholar, or prominent political leader, or respected authority in the medical community, or in the black community, in the gay community, in Planned Parenthood, it doesn't matter how many decades they were loyal Democrats (or even still are on many issues) the moment they dissent from Democrat-Bolshevik orthodoxy, they HAVE to be discredited, purged and destroyed.

It should deeply disturb you that your own Democrat party is declaring war on the Constitution and rule of law, in an authoritarian effort to destroy any opposition and create a fanatical one-party system. "Law" as Democrats exercise it in recent years, is just a lawless weapon to be twisted in service of destroying their opposition. But if successful, the moment they were to crush Trump and the Republicans, they will be coming to purge you and every liberal who isn't an ideologically pure enough Democrat-Bolshevik.

Be careful what you wish for.

Originally Posted by Iggy
Says the guy whose presence here is based on vitriolic hatred for those different from him...

Once again, you seem unable to distill your spiteful vitriol into even a lucid sentence.

I post here on a number of subjects, and love these boards, whereas your previous posts for years have contempt for them, and make clear you're only here to troll on me. And you constantly make up fake quotes for me, because that is the only way you can allege the baseless crazy stuff you allege.
It's ironic that I simply identify the ACTUAL criminals and Democrat-Bolsheviks who are filled with hate, trying to destroy me and people like me, hate-filled Bolsheviks who have stated their violent intent and ambitions to purge Republicans over and over, in their own public comments I've cited and quoted here repeatedly. From Biden, Kamala Harris, Obama, Shumer, Pelosi, Hakkim Jeffries, on down.
But then in incredible irony, you allege that I'm the one who is filled with "vitriolic hatred for those different", when all I do is point out the Stalinist/Maoist hatred and intolerance of the fanatical Democrat/ Left.
QUOTED, chapter and verse, from their own videotaped public statements.