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Alito apparently is in a tizzy because Prorepublica reported on his luxurious trip with a wealthy gop donor that he kept hidden. Hint if it wasn’t a big deal than Alito wouldn’t be such a bitch about it being reported on. Likewise for his buddy Clarence. Glad to see all the goodies being gotten having some light shined on.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2023-06-22 8:44 PM.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Legal Experts: Attacks On Clarence Thomas ‘Ridiculous,’ Slam Media Reports As ‘Incomplete’


Media reports on alleged scandals surrounding Justice Clarence Thomas reveal the Left’s desire to destroy his credibility, legal experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

After the ProPublica report on Thomas’ acceptance of expense-paid trips from his friend, billionaire real estate developer Harlan Crow, which Thomas said his colleagues assured him was not reportable, multiple other reports were released accusing Thomas of wrongdoing. Lawyers told the Daily Caller News Foundation the reports are incomplete, amounting to a smear campaign aimed at swaying public perception, joining two federal judges who also criticized the reports this week. (RELATED: ‘Big Breathless Nothingburger’: Conservative Legal Scholars, Lawmakers Blast ‘Partisan’ Justice Thomas Report )

“With each new hit piece, the Left is revealing its true motive: to impugn Justice Thomas by any means necessary, no matter how ridiculous the charge,” Carrie Severino, JCN President and former clerk to Justice Thomas, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Washington Post published a story on Sunday on Justice Thomas reporting income from a “defunct real estate firm” on his financial disclosures. The “defunct” company that ceased to exist in 2006 — Ginger, Ltd., Partnership —changed its name that same year to operate as Ginger Holdings, LLC.

“The Washington Post should consider covering the Biden Administration with the vigor they put into investigating whether Justice Thomas wrote LLC or LLP,” Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton tweeted, reacting to the story.

Because critics of Thomas cannot argue his approach or decisions are legally incorrect, they “drop innuendos and incomplete information” to hope “uninformed people will assume the worst,” Thomas Jipping, senior legal fellow for Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, told the DCNF [Daily Caller News Foundation].

“Justice Thomas’ critics cannot convince the public that his approach to judging or his individual decisions are legally incorrect, so they and their media enablers drop innuendos and incomplete information, hoping…that uninformed people will assume the worst,” he continued. “Falsely smearing a judge whose decisions left-wing groups and politicians don’t like will further erode the public’s confidence in the independence and impartiality of the judiciary.”

ProPublica published a story last week on Crow’s purchase of a single-story home where the justice’ mother lived, along with two empty lots on the same street in Savannah, Georgia, which Crow told the outlet he intended to turn into a public museum telling the justice’s story.

Thomas will amend his disclosure to include Crow’s purchase of the home, which he believed was not necessary to report because he lost money on the deal, a source close to Thomas told CNN on Monday.

Though the story prompted Democratic senators to request the DOJ launch an investigation, Jipping pointed out it, along with the others, doesn’t actually prove wrongdoing.

“Justice Thomas did not report personal hospitality from longtime friends that he was not required to report,” he said. “He reported rental income but failed to fill in the new name of the property owner. He reported his small financial interest in property he co-owned for years but apparently not when the property was sold.”

“It is beneath the media and our elected representatives to collude in suggesting that matters like these, and not the merits of Justice Thomas’ judging, are important to the [American] people,” he continued.

Crow himself told the Dallas Morning news he believed it was a “political hit job.”

Two federal judges have also criticized the reporting. Fifth Circuit Judge James Ho, who previously clerked for Thomas, defended him during Tuesday remarks to a Dallas Federalist Society chapter, according to Reason.

He noted there is a “big difference between actual corruption and the appearance of corruption,” pointing to a Wall Street Journal report from 2021 alleging over 100 judges failed to recuse themselves from cases where they had a financial interest.

“It showed that judges are imperfect human beings, like everyone else,” he said, referring to the story. “But I don’t recall anyone calling for all of these judges to be impeached or punished.”

Ho said he welcomed discussion about strengthening ethics and disclosure requirements, but rejected “hypocritical double standards.”

Third Circuit Judge Thomas Hardiman also criticized ProPublica’s initial report, which alleged Thomas violated ethics rules by failing to disclose acceptance of expense-paid trips from Crow, dismissing the idea that it is a “scandal.”

“[T]here was no intimation at any time, ever, that his billionaire friend ever had any business before the Supreme Court. So, how’s he helping his friend?” he said at an April 12th event, according to the National Review. “He’s not even in a position to help his friend because his friend had exactly zero cases in the Supreme Court.”

Interesting also how the Left and news media (that's somewhat redundant, there is no difference between the two, they work in unison) constantly allege ethics violations or conflict of interest by CONSERVATIVE justices, but don't even notice the far more unethical conflicts of interest on full display by LIBERAL justices Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Elena Kagan.

To say nothing of the Bolshevik Leftist ideologue Kitanji Brown-Jackson, who is so ideologically twisted and hardcore partisan leftist that she couldn't even define a woman in Senate confirmation hearings. Oh yeah, her Supreme Court rulings will be TOTALLY unbiased and neutral on gay, transgender, gun control and abortion issues. She is cartoonishly biased, a fully indoctrinated tool of the Left, and legal judge a distant second.

Asked and answered.

I love how, in selectively targeting conservative justices with insinuation and slanders, your side omits and ignores the evidence of ACTUAL conflicts of interest and misconduct by Democrat-appointed leftist justices.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yeah the whole staying at a wealthy friends house wouldn’t be an issue but again more than that is going on so you can’t even acknowledge the extent of the gift giving we know Thomas received. Thomas has had decades at the court where it’s easy to understand why a wealthy billionaire would like to be buying houses and letting Thomas’s mom live in for free. Or paying expensive tuition for exclusive schools for a child Thomas had guardianship of. All that besides the paid for luxury vacations. Without giving Thomas a gift or money outright that he wouldn’t be able to accept, huge amounts of money is being used to help Thomas in other ways instead. That is unethical.

But the bottom line is, the billionaaire in question has no past or present legislation in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, for Clarence Thomas to be influenced into changing his ruling on. PERIOD.

And you keep evading the fact that liberal justices on the Supreme Court ARGUABLY DO HAVE corrupt dealings that are a far more clear conflict of interest.
Such as Ruth Bader Ginsberg conducting a gay wedding, just weeks before she ruled to legalize gay marriage across all 50 states.
And Sonia Sotomayor who, before she was even confirmed to the Supreme Court, made a comment about how as a "wise latina woman" she could make a better judgement than a white male judge, and with sarcasm made it clear that she rules on her ideology rather than the law.
And Elena Kagan.
And the low-hanging friut, Kitanji Brown-Jackson, who ahain COULDN'T EVEN DEFINE A WOMAN when asked in Senate confirmation hearings. Her ideology is so far left, it is obvious she h is completely driven by ideology over legal precedent. A rubber stamp for the Left.

Here are the conflicts of interest laid out, regarding most of the above listed liberal justices:

In part :

Indeed, Stern’s attack rests on the rickety notion that Alito is trying to conceal something from the public. When he claims, “you must dig through [Ailito’s] financial disclosures,” what he really means is opening the “Fix the Court” website (or just following the press release that likely gave him the idea for the piece in the first place) and looking at the justice’s publicly available disclosure. In this case, to “dig” means — generously speaking — five minutes of time.

And since this isn’t the first instance that Alito has recused himself in a case involving Phillips, the grounds for recusal are “obvious.” That doesn’t stop Stern from framing the lack of an explanation as some kind of major ethical lapse. To do so, he juxtaposes Alito’s recusal with Elena Kagan’s recent explanation of recusal in Holland v. Florida without any relevant context.

In Holland v. Florida, Kagan might have become the first justice to offer an official explanation for a recusal in history. Good for her. Alito conducted himself in the same manner that hundreds of justices have conducted themselves in thousands of other recusal cases. Since Roberts sent his ethics statement to Congress, there have been 11 recusals in the Supreme Court without any corresponding explanation — not something Alito’s accusers deem worthy of mentioning.

Instead, Stern claims that “Kagan was never the problem” (she’s even turned down free bagels from her high school friends, she’s so virtuous.) Her explanation for recusal was simply “(prior government employment),” which, explains Stern, is “a shorter way of saying that she participated in the proceedings while serving as solicitor general.”

Kagan should have eaten those bagels and recused herself from NFIB v. Sebelius and King v. Burwell, cases revolving around a national reform law and mandate for which her office had “mounted an early and aggressive effort to prepare for legal challenges to the individual insurance mandate,” according to The Hill. That was more than enough for her to sit those cases out. But since the Obama administration refused to turn over all emails related to the case, we can also strongly suspect Kagan had personally lent her expertise in anticipation of legal challenges.

As usual, it’s all just Calvinball. For instance, while Alito’s recusal over a disclosed stock is a big ethical problem, Sonia Sotomayor failing to recuse herself from multiple cases involving a publisher who paid her over $3 million while she was on the court is just fine.

For the record, justices shouldn’t be compelled to automatically bow out of cases involving companies or industries they’ve dealt with unless there is a genuine and clear conflict of interest. None of these attacks have ever produced a single case in which an originalist justice has strayed from their beliefs to help a company, person, or industry, much less themselves. Then again, the ugly irony of the Democrat’s attacks is that their anger is fueled by the principled judicial philosophy of certain justices.


David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist, a nationally syndicated columnist, a Happy Warrior columnist at National Review, and author of five books—the most recent, Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent. Follow him on Twitter, @davidharsanyi.

Sourced and linked in it are abundant examples of ACTUAL conflicts of interest by Democrat-appointed justices, that somehow go completely un-noticed by you and the rest of the hyperventilating Democrat-Left.
Even as you heap slanders on Clarence Thomas for doing nothing the slightest bit unethical. I've dealt with people who, for them, buying an expensive dinner for me, or even offering to buy me a car on one occasion (which I appreciated but declined) was for them like buying a pack of gum. No quid pro quo for illicit favors, they were just generous by nature. And again, in Clarence Thomas' situation, there was absolutely no case before the Supreme Court pending that involved said billionaire's interests, or even potentially so.

Regarding the billionaire in question paying a kid's tuition that Clarence Thomas was taking care of (not Thomas' son, just a kid Thomas equally generously offered to take care of, while the kid's parents were facing difficult times) I again see as benign and generous, not some >>>EEEEVIIILLL<<< sinister quid pro quo that you jump, without evidence, to believe it is.

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It’s not insinuating anything to report on a luxury trip Alito took with a GOP mega donor. It’s clearly information some conservatives don’t want to be public knowledge. I’m good with shining some daylight on the whole Supreme Court. Those that have wealthy partisan benefactors while doing the people’s business might not be so quick on accepting all those goodies, lol

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It’s not insinuating anything to report on a luxury trip Alito took with a GOP mega donor. It’s clearly information some conservatives don’t want to be public knowledge. I’m good with shining some daylight on the whole Supreme Court. Those that have wealthy partisan benefactors while doing the people’s business might not be so quick on accepting all those goodies, lol

Except that, as I said, even Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, the most respected legal scholars in the country, among many others, say Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito did nothing wrong.

And as I linked abundantly above, Democrats attacking Thomas and Alito, simultaneously turn a blind eye and selectively omit FAR MORE EGREGIOUS arguable legal ethics violations by Democrat-appointed justices Sonia Sotomayor, RuthBader Ginsberg, and Elena Kagan.
Facts you like to pretend don't exist.

For Democrat-Bolsheviks, it's not about ethics or legality, it's only about slander and manipulating public opinion to gain political advantage. In this case, undermining confidence in the Supreme Court, just so they can stack it with Democrat-Bolsheviks, who have no regard for the U.S. Constitution that is supposed to the bedrock of their court decisions, to turn the Supreme Court into a corrupted rubber stamp for their Bolshevik revolution.

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Read my earlier post, I explained why all the goodies Clarence and Alito matter to me. And I think you understand why but because they are dependable conservatives it works for you and why you try to slander those that are guilty of shedding some light on the gifts.

Jerry Jones was an influencer before influencers. He's always looked to sway the rich and powerful and he found a sucker in Clarence Thomas.

As for Clarence’s buddy Harlan I hope the IRS is aware of this piece …

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Read my earlier post, I explained why all the goodies Clarence and Alito matter to me. And I think you understand why but because they are dependable conservatives it works for you and why you try to slander those that are guilty of shedding some light on the gifts.

Jerry Jones was an influencer before influencers. He's always looked to sway the rich and powerful and he found a sucker in Clarence Thomas.

As for Clarence’s buddy Harlan I hope the IRS is aware of this piece …


I understand that as a Democrat-Bolshevik, your approach is attack, attack, attack, and slander slander slander, with the most specious and non-existent of cases against Thomas and Alito, things that aren't even crimes, as Thomas or Alito's social contacts are completely separate, not even in any way connected to or influencing any case before the Supreme Court.
While your side simultaneously ignores the far more obvious and egregious breaches of ethics by Democrat -appointed judges Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and the moron replacement for Ginsberg who can't even define a woman, Kitanji Brown-Jackson.

Did you even see the story over the last week, about how Soniaa Sotomayor is extorting bookstores to buy her books, as a condition of her appearing for booksignings?

No, of course not. No conssistent ethics or rules by your Bolshevik party, just attack attack attack.

As I said, even the two most respected legal minds and constitutional scholars, Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, say that what you allege is garbage, and that Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito did absolutely nothing wrong. And I'm not a legal scholar, but they most certainly are.

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I’m sure Turley and Dershowitz would apply the same reasoning to this more minor issue also. In this case the Justice may have even been unaware that some of her staff was even doing it. That of course doesn’t excuse Alito and Thomas taking bigger secret gifts from GOP activists than Trump would give to any of his mistresses. Seems like it’s a good time to introduce some better ethics for the Supreme Court. They have so much power so it’s not okay to be accepting super expensive gifts and luxury vacations from wealthy people. Glad democrats are going to give it a try at least by pushing for some stronger ethics reform.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I’m sure Turley and Dershowitz would apply the same reasoning to this more minor issue also. In this case the Justice may have even been unaware that some of her staff was even doing it. That of course doesn’t excuse Alito and Thomas taking bigger secret gifts from GOP activists than Trump would give to any of his mistresses. Seems like it’s a good time to introduce some better ethics for the Supreme Court. They have so much power so it’s not okay to be accepting super expensive gifts and luxury vacations from wealthy people. Glad democrats are going to give it a try at least by pushing for some stronger ethics reform.

Ohhh, I'm SO SURE you would be so fair minded that the Supreme Court justice "might not know" how their staff were extorting book sales as a condition for the justice appearing in their store to do a booksigning appearance, it Sotomayor were a CONSERVATIVE justice.

In the case of Clarence Thomas, he went for an expenses-paid weekend with a wealthy friend, and yet his wealthy friend has no connection to ANY CASE pat present or future before the U.S. Supreme Court, by even the wildest stretch.
And yet you condemn Clarence Thomas for merely having a wealthy friend, and even press for his resignation over it from the Supreme Court.
Over what, exactly?
Any vile excuse for the Democrat/Left to attack a conservative justice, and attack the integrity of the court itself, OVER NOTHING.

You're just piling on slanderous assumption, on top of slanderous assumption. Par for the course, from the Democrat-Bolshevik party.

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Quit with the false narrative WB, we knowThomas went on more than one expense paid luxury trip and also received more than one extravagant gift. He accepted this from a gop mega donor that has probably benefited just from conservatives on the court with campaign finance laws and other votes not tied to him case specifically.

And if it’s not a big deal than why not just make all these goodies their taking something they need to report at the very least?

Fair play!

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