Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I have largely boxed myself in from listening to reason.

A few changes of words and this sounds like the same groundless bullshit that leftists say about "ACTUAL criminals and Republican-Fascists!" You are just the red side of the same bullshit coin, you hypocritical douchebag.

More of your fishing, using fake made-up quotes of me. Because that's all you've got.

Just another Bolshevik North Carolina junior college professor, who intolerantly tries to slander and destroy anyone who disagrees with him.
You've already admitted you discriminate against your students the same way. You are a loathesome piece of human garbage, who should have his tenure taken away and be disgraced.

Originally Posted by iggy
Wondy's commies everywhere delusion increases by one as another Trump appointed judge succumbs to threats of violence or something equally delusional and dismisses Trump's defamation suit against CNN. So many "best people" letting Wondy down.

I've cited and sourced my assertions at every turn. Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, and the bulk of those serving in their White House staffs. Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, Robert Reich, Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren, and pretty much every Beltway Democrat. A O-C, Ayanna Pressley, Cory Booker, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush.
Quoted over and over, in their own words.
Bolsheviks, openly seeking an authoritarian (Democrat) one-party system.
Outlaw free speech.
Stack the Supreme Court.
Federalize elections.
Shut down conservative media.
Weaponize DOJ and FBI and IRS against their political opponents.

They openly worship the Soviet Union, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, the Sandinistas, Hugo Chavez and other communitsts. Saul Alinsky. Che Gueverra. These are their heroes, who, for example, Ron Bloom, Van Jones, Anita Dunn, and Mark Lloyd openly quoted EVEN WHILE SERVING in the Obama White House.
Barack Obama worked in his years after college for ACORN, teaching (as a "community organizer", Saul Alinsky's euphemistic phrase for marxist street agitator) Saul Alinsky's RULES FOR RADICALS to classrooms of ACORN activists. A co-worker at ACORN described Barack Obama as "the unchallenged master of Alinsky tactics".

How many times do I have to post it?

I don't have to speculate, these Democrats openly say it themselves. Democrats who identify as Cultural Marxists, socialist Progressives, Democrat Socialists, or are openly Communist.
As in the case of Adolf Hitler telegraphing his intentions in 1926 with Mein Kampf, 15 years before he actually did it, Democrat-Bolsheviks are similarly flat-out telling you their intentions in every press conference, interview, speech and book. WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE THEM ?

Likely you, as a Bolshevik yourself, just lie to obfuscate the truth.


[Linked Image from azquotes.com]