Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB I’m pretty sure the indictments are not fake but very real. You and other Trump supporters were ready for a Republican VP to not accept the real electors and allow fake ones take their place. This needed to happen as I value my vote just like you do yours.

There is such a thing as malicious prosecution. Cases can be rejected or overturned for malicious prosecution, and the lawyers involved can be disbarred or criminally prosecuted for doing so.

And certainly, there is abundant evidence of such malice over the last 8 years at FBI and DOJ.

And on submitting fraudulent evidence to a FISA court judge to get 4 consecutive surveillance warrants over a one-year period to spy on Carter Page, and through surveilling Carter Page's calls "3 contacts deep", were able to spy on the entire Trump campaign and Trump administration. FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith (who texted "Viva le revolucion" to like-minded FBI thugs in a group text conversation) WAS PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED for this FEDERAL crime.

But more important, it exposed the Democrat fanaticism and slimy underbelly of the entire FBI and DOJ. James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, about 2 dozen of FBI leadership who were either fired or forced to resign.
And clearly, with Christopher Wray, Jack Smith, Merrick Garland and dozens of other Democrat-Bolshevik partisans still at the FBI and DOJ pulling the same stunts, and at CIA, IRS, State Department, plus federal judges, U.S. attorneys, and other federal agencies, that Democrat / deep state fanaticism and abuse of power continues, and is very much in evidence. There is no possible rationalization for the amount of indictments against Donald Trump, for things that are questionably even crimes, even as rank and file FBI agents are pulled off ACTUAL criminal investigations to pursue this show trial of gonzo intimidation their leadership orders.

The worst criminals in U.S. history have never been subjected to anything like they are subjecting Trump to. This is weaponization of federal agencies and the legal system against political opponents, pure and simple.
And it is terrifying that Democrats like you endorse and accept this as somehow legal and justified. It is NOT. This is literally what authoritarian governments like Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela do to their political opponents. And the newly leftist radical government in Brazil, that ALSO just rigged their election victory in 2022, in a way very similar to how it was rigged in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. And they similarly made up fake charges and put former president Bolsanaro in jail.

You are endorsing lawlessness and Bolshevik abuse of power.
And the death of the U.S. constitution, in pursuit of a Democrat one-party authoritarian regime.