Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“ You are endorsing lawlessness and Bolshevik abuse of power.
And the death of the U.S. constitution, in pursuit of a Democrat one-party authoritarian regime.”

I full well remember your support for Trump’s false electors scheme and everything else WB. You’re only at best fooling yourself. Loyalty to Trump over the constitution and the country.

Trump had the right to lie all he wanted but he didn’t have the right to enter a conspiracy to try to fraudulently stay in power. That’s why he’s been indicted and where the prosecution is going to hit I believe. Pence, Cheney and other republicans that are to conservative for me chose country over loyalty to Trump btw so the deep state is bipartisan with some really conservative people in it.

You mean, the same type of alternate electors that John F. Kennedy set up in 1960, AS IS AVAILABLE TO CANDIDATES ACOORDING TO ELECTION LAW ?
In a close election, they can select alternate electors for that state, in the event they win, so the electors are selected and available to send to Washington in January.

You are the victim of bad information from CNN and MSNBC, qand any oinformation that issn't convenient to your party is not included in the Newspeak that you watch. So you don't know the facts and the context of what you BELIEVE to be facts.

Similarly, the 80%-plus liberal activist media has been shutting down the facts revealed over the last 2 weeks regarding Hunter Biden's influence peddling, and Devin Archer's testimony that Joe Biden was contacted 20 times by Hunter Biden in front of him and others Burisma Holdings executives, to show their foreign national clients that Hunter Biden could get father Joe Biden (and his corrupt power) on the phone on a moments's notice, to warrant them paayiong MILLIONS to Hunter Biden, and through Hunter, payola spread to the entire Biden family.

Likewise the CEO of Burisma a week ago revealed (with confirming e-mails) that Joe and Hunter Biden had extorted $5 million for Hunter, and another $5 million for then-V P Joe Biden. Plus literally 170 "SARS", or suspicious activity reports, that Rep. James Comer has disclosed documentation of. And another 50 or so indirect SARS reports of money wired to other Biden family accounts.
Which all confirms what Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinsky revealed in 2020, that the Democrat-Bolsheviks you side with were able to censor and silence before the election. When will you admit that your side is corrupt to the core, and guilty of all the things they are accused of?
I just saw a news report that DNC campaaign donations are down 32% from what they were 4 years ago. Maybe you don't get it yet, but clearly many in your party do.
Polls of black and hispanic support of Biden in 2024 are also way down, and Trump is polling much higher at this point than he was in either the 20116 or 2020 elections at this point.

Here is the evidence that what you are listening to is Boshevik propaganda from George Orwell's liberal media, CLEARLY omitting the facts. But hey, believe what you want to believe. Even if it IS clearly aa lie.

Liberal Media Networks Spend 527 Minutes on Trump Indictment, 0 Seconds on Biden Burisma Bribery

If you were capable of distilling the truth, you would see the liberal media are deceiving you, and using Trump coverage as a smokescreen, to selectively omit and hide from you the CLEAR evidence of the Bidens' guilt. They can't disprrove it, so they just hide the facts and don't report them.
But... ORANGE MAN BAD ! Your irrational hatred for Trump rationalizes and blocks all logic and facts.