Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
From Wikipedia…Trump’s fake elector scheme
“A scheme was devised after the 2020 United States presidential election by then-president Donald Trump and his allies in seven key states to create and submit fraudulent certificates of ascertainment that falsely asserted Trump had won the electoral college vote in those states.[1] The intent of the scheme was to pass the fraudulent certificates to then-vice president Mike Pence in the hope he would count them, rather than the authentic certificates, and thus overturn Joe Biden's victory. This effort was predicated on a fringe legal theory outlined by Trump attorney John Eastman in the Eastman memos, which claimed the vice president has constitutional discretion to swap out official electors with an alternate slate during the certification process, thus changing the outcome of the electoral college vote and the overall winner of the presidential race. This scheme came to be known as the Pence Card.“

It goes on with more details.

I’m not the one with a news/information problem WB. You would be in error just calling them alternate electors minus the fraud part. And if they had enough evidence to back their allegations on the Hunter Biden stuff the republican controlled House should start impeachment proceedings. So maybe you should be attacking them as corrupt for not doing so? After all according to you they have the evidence, so what’s the hold up? They don’t have it WB. They have accusations that are not even enough for them to do what they really really want to do and impeach Biden.



Every Republican leader, no matter how previously respected, is now described on Wikipedia as "right-wing", "extremist" or "conspiracy theorist" no matter how proven the facts on, say, Covid-19 origin in the Wuhan research lab, the ineffectiveness AND DANGER of Covid vaccines, Biden corruption, or election fraud.
The judge who ruled against Hunter Biden's sweetheart plea deal, who has clearly been described as a politically Democrat judge, was briefly and quietly changed in her listing to a "right wing Republican" judge, until mockery of Wikipedia for the secretive deceitful change forced them to quietly change it back.
Wikipedia gets many thingss right on other issues, but they are decidedly and hyperpartisanly Left on U.S. political issues. And that is just a fact.

Fox News, Newsmax, N Y Post, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, AmericanGreatness, Revolver News, and many other conservative, independent and non-establishment sites are giving the TRUE facts on these issues every day, AGAINST the Wikipedia Bolshevik narrative.
That you, Wikipedia, CNN and the other media try to hide or ignore.

Do you have anything linkable about the certificates not being fraudulent WB? You can go on about bias but this was something I remember happening in real time that the media covered. It also appears to be part of the evidence in this case against Trump with presumably his own people testifying against him. Are you trying to claim there were no forged certificates for electors?

Fair play!