Originally Posted by iggy
Or, we call you crazy...because you're fucking crazy.

Because, again, your same logic works the other way...you demonize and desperately try to discredit any and everything on the left. Why? Could it be that you are doing exactly that you hate about others? Fuck. You still think I'm a commie even though, on the whole, I've voted for more Republicans and Libertarians than Democrats.

That really strains credibility, because in 12 years, I've never NEVER heard you say one kind or supportive word about ANY Republican offered as a candidate.

Unless it was one like Ron Paul who was barely in the race, and had no chance of winning.
Or Republicans who attack Trump and other Republicans, and diminish support of any Republican candidate who could win.

You began to show your true colors when you supported the "Occupy Wall Street" movement in 2011 or so, that was an overt Marxist movement to de-stabilize the United States.
I've never seen you offer a single word of condemnation of Black Lives Matter, or Antifa, or Saul Alinsky tactics, or for that matter ANY DEMOCRAT, no matter how Bolsshevik-extreme the Democrat rhetoric. NEVER.
O any condemnation by you of Obama, or Biden. Quite the contrary, as I recall you said you voted for the Democrat ticket in each of those elections.
And more recently, you demonstrated your absolute far-Left craziness in saying you support open borders and the flood of illegal immigrants coming into the country.

So... you're a fucking liar. Just like always.

I fail to see that you've supported ANYTHING Republican/conservative in the 12-plus years you've been posting here.
You're a liar.

And I don't "demonize" Democrats and the Left, I expose them for what they are, in their sourced and linked STATED political views in their public speeches, interviews, books and articles.
I don't slander them, I reveal them for what they are, IN THEIR OWN WORDS.

They are Leftist radicals who want to silence their conservative opposition.
Democrats fantasize about violence against conservatives, and cheer on ACTUAL violent attacks, or at best are silent when these attacks occur, never condemn them. Project Veritas has exposed them in many video recordings over many years, whether they are officials in the Obama white house, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Bernie Sanders campaign, or in the offices of many other Senate and House members or candidates. I've posted dozens, if not hundreds, of articles and videos to confirm the evidence of that.

Democrats have PLAINLY SAID they want to crush the Republican party so it can never come back.
Democrats have PLAINLY SAID they are "Democrat socialists", or just plain socialists, or even outright marxists.
Democrats have PLAINLY SAID they want to kill conservatives, or put them in Gulags, or force them (Soviet/Maoist-like) to give televised confessions. That they want to prevent Trump officials from ever being able to get another job. They push to disbar any lawyers (Rudy Giuliani) who support Trump or legally challenge the 2020 election integrity.
Democrats want to take away conservatives' children and put them in HHS homes with liberal foster parents, to indoctrinate the children in "the right way of thinking".

Democrats have PLAINLY SAID they want to rig the Senate (making Washington DC and Puerto Rico into states, with 2 senators each) to give Democrats an insurmountable permanent Senate majority.
Democrats want to stack the U S Supreme Court, strangle conservative opinion on the Court by expanding the number of justices and filling all the new positions with leftists, to eclipse and smother the conservatives on the court and make the USSC just a rubber stamp for liberal policy. (Which by the way, is what FDR wanted to do in the 1930's, but was stopped by Democrats of conscience who would not let it happen).

Democrats want to nationalize presidential elections, so that individual states have no say, and only the ruling (Democrat) party has control, so that only the ruling (Democrat) party could even challenge election integrity and have a recount.

Facts that you, like the vicious lying shithead you are, selectively ignore.

Originally Posted by Iggy
I disagree with a lot on the left. And, fully concede that the left lacks critical nuance on a lot of those social issues you yammer on about. My problem isn't the whole of the left or the right though. It is the reactionary douchebags on both sides, like yourself, that are engaging in an escalating game of stupidity with each other for what you'd like to believe is to be the guiding hand of this country...at the expense of this country and what it stands for. Fuck you and them.

That's a bunch of gobbledygook that says nothing clearly.
Your posts over the last 12 years say otherwise of what you advocate, that you support the most crazy and far-left radical protests , and nationally de-stabilizing radical Leftist pushes.

CRYSTAL CLEAR IN YOUR POSTS: You support Occupy Wall Street, and the flood of illegals across our border.
ALSO CRYSTAL CLEAR: You feign support for Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul, but spit venom at every Republican conservative who advocates a Ron Paul-type paleo-conservative or Reagan-conservative agenda.
I am not an extremist, I am a Reagan conservative, whether it is re-labelled as the Tea Party, or the Freedom Caucus, or as a constitutional conservative, or just plain "conservative".
For you to label me as extreme, you would have to label Reagan as extremist. Because his presidency, and its legacy torch carried on by Pat Buchanan, Tucker Carlson and others, is what I support.

My politics have not grown more radical or extreme, they are just slandered and LABELLED as "extrreme" by CNN, MSNBC, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries... and malicious pieces of excrement like you.

"Reactionary" is a movement that rejects the extremes of liberal/progressivism/socialism/marxism, that advocates going back to a more pragmatic and stable social system.
This is what Ronald Reagan campaigned on and implemented in 1980 and the 8 years after.
Was Ronald Reagan "extreme"?
Reagan created the most stable, happy and prosperous time of my 60 years.
And that accomplishment was only exceeded by the 4 years of Donald Trump, who surpassed even Reagan. That is clearly not "extremism".

Quantifiably, the most accomplished president in over 50 years.

At least it's clear to anyone who is not an evasive deceitful closeted Marxist/Leftist.
As is CRYSTAL clear in what you've posted here for 12 years.