Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Facts? You make a lot of partisan motivated accusations and push conspiracy theories. Not the same thing WB.

It is A FACT widely accepted that Covid-19 was developed and got loose from the Wuhan Reasearch lab. A FACT.

It is A FACT that Anthony Fauci deceptively and secretly funded that Wuhan "enhanced funciton" research on the virus, to make it even more infectious to humans. And that Fauci directly orchestrated that. It is A FACT this was all confirmed over the last 3 years, and FROM THE BEGINNING was known by Fauci and his inner circle of virologists, and that other leading virologists all said to Fauci in early 2020 that it looked like a man-made artificially created virus.
This is all A FACT, and exposed in Fauci's FOIA -exposed e-mail communications.

It is A FACT that the vaccines were not effective and had dangerous and often permanent side effects for hundreds of thousands of people.
It is A FACT that CDC tried to hide this in the way it gathered statistics. Possibly also hundreds of thousands more who died due to the vaccine within 2 weeks of injection, that are just listed as stroke or heart attack deaths, are in fact due to the vaccine.
It is A FACT that the vaccine was not effective in either preventing infection or preventing spread of the virus from the vaccinated to other people.
In Israel , and in high-ratio vaccinated states in the U.S.( vs. states with lower ratio of vaccination), it has even been scientifically asserted that those areas more heavily vaccinated, in fact led to those states heavily vaccinated having a greater ratio and likelihood of Covid infection.

It is A FACT that there are irregularities in the Nov 2020 election, that there is plenty of evidence of election fraud. That FBI, DOJ and other federal agencies , and federal, state, local, and U S Supreme courts refused to investigate, despite that many in those courts WANTED TO review that evidence, but were blocked by others.

I have posted extensive sourced and linked evidence and testimony of election fraud.
And it's highly suspect that FBI and DOJ used more resources to investigate a noose in a black race car driver's garage, and cars with Trump flags on a highway near a Biden campaign bus, than they did to investigate --to confirm or deny-- allegations of 2020 presidential election fraud in the very ssame month as these 2 piddly events FBI simultaneously jumped on.

Those are not "partisan motivated accusations", much of that is finally-exposed suppressed FACT that was hidden from the public, by social media, and by a corrupt FBI, CDC and other federal agencies, that has finally been allowed to be seen by the public, and confirmed.