Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by "Baghdad Bob" Matter-eater Man
In other words Comer doesn’t have the evidence to back up his accusations but the accusations are politically useful just the same. Nothing new there, your party has been relying on that playbook for decades. Lock whoever is the democrat opponent was what Trump had been starting his rallies with in ‘16 and ‘20. My guess though is we’re not going to be hearing “lock him up” this campaign season. Trumpers are in love with the idea of throwing their political opponents in jail for a while now so it will be interesting seeing how no man is above the law unless it’s a republican message resounds with the general population outside of maga land. Don’t see it flying with many independents or even republicans who have some principles.

I don't know how you got from the Hunter Biden laptop emails, and the hundreds of Suspicious Activity Repors (SARs) from foreign governments informing U S government agencies like the FBI and State Department (suppressed for years, until Republicans became the majority in the House, and under Rep Comer launched an ACTUAL INVESTIGATION). the testimony of Tony Bobulinsky, the testimony of Devon Archer, the testimony of Eric Schwerin and multiple other Burisma associates, including executives from Burisma, the former Ukraine attorney general Viktor Shokin, and other witnesses and documents.

How stupid do you think people are, for you against all that EVIDENCE, to front the narrative that there's "no evidence"?

I also saw James Comer interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures, and Rep. Comer didn't have the slightest hesitation saying that thare was abundant evidence of Biden corruption regarding Ukraine, China and Russia. Not "appears to be" or "seems to be" or "smoke" that he hopes leads to fire, but solid evidence at this point, and "without a shadow of a doubt".
Repeatedly, I've seen House Republicans say they not only want to have evidence to impeach, but evidence that creates a consensus for impeachment that even a large percentage of Democrats cannot deny.

It doesn't help that the FBI, DOJ, State Department, and National Record Archives are all Democrat-occupied institutions that are deliberately stonewalling and keeping documents from Republicans on the Committee.
And it's crystal clear that FBI has held Hunter Biden's laptop and known all its contents since Dec 2019. And did not share any of that information even slightly, until Republicans took the majority in Jan 2023 (award-winning journalist John Solomon, of JustTheNews) , and it was only THEN that any real investigation began. The rest for the last 5 years has been David Weiss-style cover-ups, letting the statute of limitations just run out on Hunter and Joe Biden's crimes, and sweetheart plea deals for Hunter Biden. And with Weiss just appointed special prosecutor as further proof, there clearly would be absolutely no investigation at all, if not for Rep. James Comer and the House Republicans pressing for it.

Isn't it amazing how no matter how much evidence, Democrats never seem to get prosecuted for a crime, or even investigated !
Wow, how about that !

Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo (video of program)