Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB you’re just proving his point. You see democrats as evil instead of fellow countrymen who really want pretty much the same thing most everyone wants.

That said, Trump chose to have this indictment. He not only took classified documents but than fought and lied, tried to hide them and than tried to destroy evidence. I’m probably missing more but what an idiot. This could have easily been not a thing.

That's total B.S.

I see Democrats (and not ALL Democrats, but those in leadership who are orchestrating all this) as evil because IN THEIR OWN WORDS, SOURCED AND QUOTED, they are Cultural Marxist lunatics who are destroying the United States.

I see them as evil, BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL, in the marxists they admire and emulate, in their Marxist ideology, and in what they do based on that ideology.
I've posted literally thousands of linked articles and videos, to PROVE that.

For example, I'm talking about specifically the Clintons and the Obamas and those in their White House inner circles. About Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and the whole "squad", Hakeem Jeffries (tied to racist black militants), Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer (one of the most vicious propagandist infighters and liars in the DNC), and all the others funded by George Soros, who are overtly and in their own words trying to overthrow the United States.
Pretty much every Democrat Senator and House member is part of it, no House or Senate member ever dissents and opposes these Cultural Marxist power grabs, which is to say they endorse and are a willing part of what is occurring.
AND AGAIN: Democrats' goal is to overthrow the United States and create an authoritarian one-party system, where anyone who disagrees will be persecuted, silenced and put in jail. How in your revisionist brain can you even PRETEND that isn't authoritarian Bolshevik terror?
What happened to former President Bolsanaro in Brazil, who he Brazilian leftist party in power are moving to destroy and imprison over made up charges, is now happening to Trump and his advisors, and even his lawyers!

Nationalizing elections under one-party control.
Stacking the Supreme Court with liberal Bolshevik judges.
Creating fake new states in DC and Puerto Rico, to create a permanent Democrat majority in the Senate.
And now, arresting and jailing Trump/Republican officials, to intimidate Republican legisslators and grassroots Republicans into silence.

How much more obvious can the Democrat party's evil be? And yet you still rationalize it and defend it.
Your Democrat-Bolshevik party is doing in the U.S. what only used to occur in places like Russia, China, Brazil, Pakistan, Cuba and Venezuela.