Greg Kelly interview, of Jill Biden's first husband, Bill Stevenson.

Jill Biden's ex-husband: Biden sent government after me

He was remarkably nonchalant nd friendly about the breakup ("Hey we were young, it worked out for the best, I actually met my soul mate later because Jill and I split up...")
He even paid Jill Biden's tuition for years after the divorce, all the way through her PhD in education, YEARS after she left him for Joe Biden.

But then they (Joe and Jill) threatened Stevenson if he didn't give Jill what she wanted in the divorce settlement, and Biden and his mafia used his political influence to have Stevenson audited for tax fraud. And did it to Stevenson repeatedly in an ongoing vendetta, over several decades, just to punish and harass Stevenson as payback for not caving in.

Which is remarkably similar to what multiple Democrats nationwide have been doing to Trump for the last 7 years since 2016, where multiple times, they just manufacture criminal charges and audits out of thin air, either to serve a political narrative, or out of pure vindictive meanness.

Whether the Democrats in question are Senate and House members finding Trump guilty in a fake impeachment based on no evidence, for reasons purely to leverage political power.
Or Democrats in the 97% Democrat donating and Democrat-weaponized DOJ and FBI, hiding exculpattory evidence, manufacturing fake evidence for FISA warrants, and in the cases of Alaska senator Ted Stevens and Scooter Libby, rigging the evidence to deliberately send innocent men to jail, proven later beyond a doubt they were innocent, and either reversed on appeal or presidentially pardoned.
Democrats in the FBI, DOJ, IRS, NSA, and even the U.S. Postal service, working to rig and illegally backdate votes in the 2020 election, and throw away Republican mail ballots, to spy on Trump and his officials, and after Jan 6 2021, to spy on and purge any in government or the military loyal to Trump or the Republicans.

Democrats judges rigging the evidence in court, selecting trial venues where the juries are overwhelmingly Democrat partisan, and even when they are later revealed to be spitting hate regularly on social media about how much they hate Trump, and he "has to be stopped" LYING that they can be neutral and serve on a jury. And even when exposed, these partisan judges left them on the jury to give a partisan verdict that was obvious and predictable.
Or the girl on a grand jury in Fulton County, who gleefully boasted in a CNN interview about how she couldn't wait to find Trump guilty in the grand jury, and send him on to trial. Even after that, never removed, allowed to do exactly what she partisanly gloated about.

Democrats at every level, eager to abuse whatever power they have, toward Democrat-Bolshevik ends.

To deliberately find innocent men guilty.
Evil, pure and simple.