
Associated Press, i.e., Democrat Bolshevik Newspeak Central.

That's a really twisted version of the truth.

Democrats have rigged the last 3 elections, 2018, 2020, and 2022.
Republicans want to have lawyers, vote observers, and other election workers on hand to LEGALLY challenge the consistent vote-rigging tactics the Democrats have gotten away with in multiple elections.

And beyond that, Trump and his team want to eleiminate the James Comeys, the Andrew McCabes, the Rod Rosensteins, the Peter Strzoks, the Lisa Pages, Bruce and Nellie Ohrs, the Bill Priestaps, the James Brennans, Gina Haspels, on and on, the partisan bureaucrats who rig elections and otherwise obstruct the will of voters and the elected president. The actual purge went on against Republicans all during Obama's presidency, and at even greater new heights of Democraat-Bolshevik authoritarianism in Jan 2021, purging Republicans from government and even purged Republican military officers.
It was Obama in 2009 who took over and politically weaponized DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, the U.S. Postal Service, the IRS, the State Department and even the military, that Biden even further purged of Republicans.

What Trump and other Republicans want to do is de-politicize these federal agencies, and rid them of corrupt partisans, to restore trust in federal agencies, and in the impartial rule of law.
I don't know if that is possible, with the genie Obama and now Biden have let out.

So... the Democrat-Bolshevik propagandists at the AP try to spin it as the exact opposite of what it is.

My fear is that even if Trump is elected and de-politicizes these federal branches for the first time since 2009, that another Democrat-Bolshevik administration will come in after another 4 or 8 years, and just re-Democrat-weaponize it.

Trump cleaned out some of that federal agency corruption in his 4 years. And the Democrat-Bolsheviks under Biden just re-weaponized those agencies, and more, after Jan 2021.

Trump TRIED to be bipartisan and moderate from 2017-2020. But people like James Comey, Peter Strzok, James Baker, Alexander Vindman, John Brennan, and Eric Ciaramella, among hundreds of others are bureaucrats Trump tried to bipartisanly keep in his White House, not knowing their vicious nature of these Democrat-Bolsheviks. Democrat bureucrats who worked from within to undermine Trump, until these vicious moles were finally detected, fired and removed. But right up till the day they were fired, they used Trump's openness to stab him in the back, weaponize agencies against him, and leak to the press, right up to the day they were escorted out by security.
Trump tried to be inclusive and bipartisan but these Democrat-Bolshevik vipers just don't make that possible.