Originally Posted by iggy
He dropped one helluva ball on 2020 and lost to a basement dwelling senial old man while blowing a huge hole on that "water like debt" he never easily paid off like he said he would. But, I'm supposed to ignore his trillions in contributions to the debt and inflation? Okay, cultist.

It's hilarious to me that you could call anyone a "cultist", with the crazy stuff you support, such as Occupy Wall Street, and open borders for illegal immigrants. AND that you fanatically only accept as "news" the Orwellian Newspeak that comes from Politico, CNN, the New York Times and Washington Post, all sources that have proven themselves to be partisan liars over and over, not only getting the facts wrong over and over, but DELIBERATELY getting them wrong.
And like the TRUE cultist you are, you hang on and parrot every word of their lies.
As Sharyl Attkisson has detailed with extensive examples, in her many books and videos. But you being a cultist and all, are utterly immune to. Dipshit.

Trump didn't drop the ball, he was winning in a landslide and by large margins in all 6 remaining battleground states until 3AM on election night. Then the Democrat election officials sent all the Republican observers home, and with only Democrats present, they continued counting votes all night, and Democrat election workers CHEATED all night.
And the Democrat-Bolsheviks intimidated many judges and legislative officials who had the ability to challenge and overturn the rigged 2020 election.
Trump is not to blame, Democrats, RINOs, and dipshits like you are to blame, for buying into a cultist narrative that is obviously untrue. And doing great damage to the country every day Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks remain in power.