Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yeah I see all the love you have for our country. I’ll never forget Jan 6 so rant and accuse all you want.

You're a programmed brainwashed zombie, immune to facts and logic.

January 6th was not at all what you've been programmed to believe it was. And you see it the way you do because you suck at the nipple of CNN, MSNBC, similar partisan liberal media, and liberal blogs. Whereas I watch channels and read articles that present the facts you absolutely refuse to absorb, even when told.

Such as: that Trump ordered 20,000 national guard troops, and Pelosi, Schumer, and mayor Bowser blocked ha deployment of troops that secure the Capitol. LIBERAL MEDIA THAT PRETENDS THAT FACT DOESN'T EXIST.

As did the lunatic Soviet-style "January 6th Special Committee". Who by the way, burned and hid their own investigation data reports.

Such as the fact that even the FBI acknowledges now there was no organized insurrection, just random tiny pockets of rioting, about 60 people out of the "over 100,000" (according to Washington DC police surveiling the crowds that day.
There was NOT ONE firearm confiscated anywhere in Washington square that day. How do you have an "insurrection" without any weapons?
(SOURCE: FBI assisant director of couner-errorism Jill Sanborn, under oath in Senate hearings on the FBI's investigation.
She refused to answer questions (under oath) about whether undercover FBI agents stoked the crowd, or whether FBI did the violence themselves. FACT.

And of the 60 involved in violence (as I've linked and documented repeatedly) there were "at least 20" undercover FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters (and possibly police removing barricades and directing protesters into the Capitol) and trying to stoke the protesters to violence, smashing windows, provoking the crowd. Which Trump supporters overwhelmingly resisted.

There were also (as I linked and posted) a further 20 DHS undercover agents disguised as Trump supporters in he crowd.

And as DC metro police finally revealed, a further 10 DC Metro officers were undercover disguised and posing as Trump supporters.

And these are just the ones DC metro, FBI and federal agencies have admitted so far. Just THE ONES WE KNOW OF !

So... evidence shows this was a false flag operation, staged to discredit Trump and his supporters. The evidence increasingly shows that.
And by the way, it backfired. Who is leading in just about every poll now?

I'm just amazed how immune to facts and information you are, M E M. You're Democrat-Bolshevik to the core. You just won't believe the facts in front of you.