Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Nope, to many hard right conservatives involved that paid a hard political price for doing the right thing for your propaganda to be rational. And now the country knows how far Trumpers will go to steal an election.

That... makes no sense and says nothing factual.

Republicans who accepted the 2020 election results as "legitimate" were either intimidated by threats from Democrats there would be charges against them if they challenged the elecion's legitimacy (as is their Consiiutional right, to challenge and verify the result! )

Or they were dupes who were fooled into believing it was legiimate.

Or, Like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinsinger and Mike Pence, despite knowing it to be an illegitimate election, they schemed to be on the winning side and inflate their political fortunes within the GOP by kicking down Trump. Which politically backfired for them, and destroyed their political futures. Whereas the overwhelming majority of Republicans nationwide remain loyal to Trump, because it is SO OBVIOUS he was wronged, in the 2020 election, in the Mar A Lago raid, in the 5 or so (or is i 6? I lost count) simultaneous absurd indictments against him, like no other political leader, like no mobster, like no serial killer, like no genocidal war criminal, in legal history before him.
NO ONE has ever been this persecuted by the American legal system. If you had an ounce of common sense, THAT ALONE would tell you the attacks on Trump are a vicious abuse of power, and not a legitimate case of him doing anything wrong.