Originally Posted by iggy
I'd again like to take this as a moment to point out why I no longer feel compelled to take you seriously...

No, i's because you're a foul, mean-spirited and unhinged leftist wack job, who attacks me personallyjust because I don't believe what you do, who has sided with Democrats and vindictively slandered Republicans on every political issue discussed on these boards for... what now?... 15 years?
You sided fanatically with Occupy Wall Street.
You openly said you support Biden's open-borders policy.
You openly hate Christians, and have openly boasted here on these boards that as a junior college professor, you discriminate against and harass your Christian students.
You not only rail on and personally insult me here on these boards, but give the exact same treatment to ANYONE who expresses a conservative/Republican/pro-Trump point of view.

No one should take YOU seriously.
You never express a factual case for anything, you just take profanity-laden personal shots at anyone who doesn't share your political views.
For a least 13 years now, and counting. I think you completely lost your mind way back, with the Occupy Wall Street topic. That was... 2010? 2011?
Over 13 years of you lashing back at myself and others who called you on your craziness. 13 years later, and you're still vindictively lashing out. Man, that's a lot of butthurt.