Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You understand that these boosters are not mandatory at the federal level?

Florida surgeon general altered key findings in study on Covid-19 vaccine safety
“ TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo personally altered a state-driven study about Covid-19 vaccines last year to suggest that some doses pose a significantly higher health risk for young men than had been established by the broader medical community, according to a newly obtained document.

Ladapo’s changes, released as part of a public records request, presented the risks of cardiac death to be more severe than previous versions of the study. He later used the final document in October to bolster disputed claims that Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines were dangerous to young men.

So he altered a study to support what he wanted it to say. You should follow his advice for sure, lol

Uh, there are literally millions of soldiers, officers, special forces, military contractors, other federal employees, police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses and other hospital staff, as well as private sector employees for businesses large and small nationwide, WHO HAVE lost their jobs precisely because of Biden's Covid vaccine mandate, where refusal of the vaccine caused their instant termination.

Many of these employees are suing for unfair termination, lost wages, back pay and other compensation. Madates, by the way, for a vaccine that
1) Doesn't prevent infection,
2) doesn't prevent spread of Covid to other people,
3) has more side effects than all other current vaccines combined, and
4) has more side effects than any vaccine in over 40 years, and the last vaccine was withdrawn from the market in the late 1970's, whereas the Covid vaccine is left out there to inflict injury on even more people, because political elites are profiting from the vaccine, including Fauci and others within the NIH and CDC.

I don't care about some Newspeak press release, it is a fact that tens of thousands, if not millions of Americans, have suffered injury and death from the Covid vaccine, And many only vaccinated because of Biden's Covid mandates, that if they weren't vaccinated they would lose their jobs.

While Trump remained president , it was always a person's option to look at the vaccine data, weigh the risks, and make a CHOICE whether they wanted to be vaccinated.
Under Biden, that choice was taken away. and that mandate forced many to be injured, crippled or killed by the vaccine. Politico just sells a narrative that it's no as many as the Florida surgeon general says, but UNDENIABLY, thousands have died or been injured by the vaccine. Period. And there are tens of thousands who say the Covid vaccine caused their injuries that federal medical authorities, statistics, and Politico, ignore. Just to sell the false narrative they want.

And don't tell me otherwise, I know people this happened to. I know people who were severely injured by the vaccine. I myself got vaccinated because I would not be able to work or board a plane without being vaccinated.
Don't pee on me and tell me it's raining.