Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, basically
It isn't lying if it is what I want to be true. You're lying!

Iggy making up fake quotes, because he has no facts on his side, just pure hatred.
Because that's the kind of vicious lying jerk he is.

You're a pseudo intellectual that can't fathom a truth beyond his few sacred sources. Again, this why I don't take you seriously and don't bother arguing. You're a dunce that read Mollie Hemingway and thinks it gives you special insight. It doesn't. Nothing you've read has. That's why I laugh at you derisively.

All you have is profanity and insults, no facts.
Your purpose is to harass anyone who disagrees with you, not debate facts and discern what the truth is.

Which is why I don't take YOU seriously. You're a deranged, angry malicious jerk. And utterly immune to facts. You just parrot liberal-media and state propaganda, that has been PROVEN to be factually inaccurate and deliberately wrong, to prop up a false narrative that, being the Leftist moron you are, you desperately cling to and want to believe.

John Stossel.
Sharyl Attkisson.
Lara Logan.
Ron Kessler.
Glenn Greenwald.

And more. Quite a few award-winning journalists, who have left the mainstream media you worship, because they believe in objective journalism, and have walked away from 7-figure news positions in the mainstream media because they refuse to become a part of the Orwellian propaganda machine the media have become, whose venom you eagerly drink every day.