Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Everything that disagrees with me is Fauci/liberal-media/Democrat lying talking points yet I inexplicably demand that other people take my patent unseriousness seriously.

More fake quotes, because you have nothing factual to say....

No, dipshit.

The FACTS support what I say. There are many in Washington who would like to prosecute Fauci for his crimes.
Senator Rand Paul, for one. Who by the way, is a doctor himself. As are several other House and Senate Republicans who want to prosecute Fauci. Fauci's subpoenaed emails with other virologists, where he was admitting privately what he was simultaneously saying publicly, Fauci's cooking the books and secretly re-starting gain-of-function research that the CDC already stopped, and moving it secretly to the Wuhan Research lab in China, using hidden illegal funding, ARE ALL FACTS.