
This article from the ultra left The Atlantic, for all its biases, at least gives an overview of all the cases against Trump.

The Cases Against Trump: A Guide

AGAIN: This is "lawfare" at it's clearest, a malicious and overwhelming assault on a targeted person, exhausting his time and financial resources with an expensive and frivolous legal case
. Or in Trump's case, MUlTIPLE cases simultaneously, by his opposition in a Democrat-weaponized FBI and DOJ (who are clearly providing federal lawyers and coordination even in the more localized cases.)
NEVER in U.S. legal history has a person been the target of multiple indictments simultaneously, for this kind of overwhelming prosecution. Not Al Capone, not John Gotti. No war criminal, no mass murderer, no genocidal terrorist. Only Trump.

Never have the cases been so clearly run by PROSECUTORS with such a clear ideological and one-sided political hatred of the person they are indicting.
Never have THE JUDGES been preselected and judge-shopped to have he same one-sided bias.
Never have the venue districts been so carefully selected to likewise have overwhelming bias, jury pools well over 90% Democrat, in regions that have a clear motive to convict Trump, no matter what the evidence. One Wiccan on a Fulton County grand jury interviewed on CNN, openly gleeful about the opportunity to indict Trump, clearly with political malice, no mater what the exculpatory evidence. To quote the title of an Alan Dershowitz book on the subject, "GET TRUMP", that Dershowitz sourced from statements by Leticia James.

Only a Democrat zealot, an M E M, or an Iggy, could be okay with this.