Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Anything involving Jim Jordan making an accusation has that McCarthy era stench. He’s earned that reputation over and over.

KEVIN McCarthy era stench.

I saw it reported that after McCarthy was ousted as speaker, in front of the cameras he genially said that each prospective new speaker nominees was a good choice, and behind the scenes badmouthed each one, to undermine them. INCLUDING Jim Jordan.
Jordan is an ethical guy, but a vigorous fighter for what he believes in, that has made him enemies both in and outside the Republicn party.

And predictably, the Democrats have had he long knives out for Jordan for a long time.

But even with new speaker Johnson, the characteristically vicious Democrats immediately have tried to slander and discredit even him, right from the jump the moment he became speaker, Someone who is fairly new to the House, doesn't have a record of clashes, or bad blood with anyone. But they are trying to smear him anyway, with whatever straws they can grasp at.

Likewise Jim Jordan, and Sen. Ron Johnson, and Sen. Ted Cruz, all targeted for smears, precisely because they are effective conservatives. And no other reason.