Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Wikipedia points out that even before 2016 he had a lot more litigation going on …“ more legal cases than his fellow magnates Edward J. DeBartolo Jr., Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.[7]”

And when he tried stealing the election, yes that has resulted in extra legal problems and hopefully consequences for it. Likewise with his attempt to keep classified documents.

Uh, as I said, Trump was a billionaire even before he ran for president in 2016, so just by virtue of being wealthy, he was the target of many lawsuits.

And Trump didn't "try stealing the election", he LEGALLY AND CONSTITUTIONALLY challenged a RIGGED ELECTION. And the Democrat/Liberal media narrative that Trump "tried to steal" the electtion is just Orwellian counter-narrative, to hide that THEY, THE DEMOCRATS are the ones who truly and demonstrably stole the election. Which is easier for the Democrats to do, since the media, FBI, DOJ and the Deep State are on their side.

Regardless, I've posted abundant links, for the last 3 years now, to evidence that the 2020 presidential election was rigged.